Stephen Hawking Interview
Date: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 @ 20:53:35 UTC
Topic: Science

Return of the time lord

Stephen Hawking can only communicate by a twitch in his right cheek, yet his attempt to explain the universe to ordinary people has made him the world's most famous living scientist. His 1988 book, A Brief History of Time, clung to the bestseller lists for 237 weeks. It sold one copy for every 750 people on earth - even if they didn't all read it - and earned him cameos in cult shows such as the Simpsons and Star Trek. In a rare interview he talks to Emma Brockes about disability, why women can't read maps and thinking in 11 dimensions

Tuesday September 27, 2005
The Guardian

Stephen Hawking and I get off to a bad start when the questions I send him ahead of the interview are returned the next day with a note: "I want shorter, better focused, numbered questions, not a stream of consciousness." A man for whom it takes 20 minutes to express a single thought, who, since the age of 21, has been told he is living on borrowed time is, of course, allowed to be curt. But if his success tells us anything, it is the folly of reading him solely through his condition. His tone might as easily be a sign of geekiness or superiority or intolerance of non-scientists. I re-send the questions, stripped of extraneous detail, and repair to Cambridge to meet him.
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