ESR, electron spin resonance is used in spectroscopy to detect
presence of the materials that have an ODD number of nucleons, materials
that have a half integer spin structure, they are called paramagnetic
In a homogeneous magnetic field with this method we can find sharp
microwave resonances in a given magnetic field, and the resonance with
reference frequency/magnetic field strenght tells, what paramagnetic
material is observed. Also this radiation, when it iscoherent, gives rise to Maser effect, when in standing wave mode.
of the paramagnetic materials is magnesium. When we have very pure
magnesium in a homogenous magnetic field, we can have magnesium to emit
weak coherent microwave radiation. With lot of simultaneously spin
precessions in a paramagnetic material, this can lead to spontaneous
magnetization. This magnetization is what we need in MEC systems
(magnetic energy converter) to form the nested cylindrical EM fields to
compress planck particle pairs (zero point field). MEC systems that
uses only ferromagnetic materials, probably does not radiate to it`s
the cosmos underwent rapid expansion of inflation at its origin, the
process fed energy into the vacuum. This energy manifested as the
smallest particles the cosmos is capable of producing, namely planck
particle pairs (PPP). Each planck particle pairs has a negative and
positive charge, and spinning gives a magnetic field to planck particle
with a external magnetic field (nested cylindrical EM fields created
by coherent spin precession radiation) we can collect orcompress the density of the PPP:s that have a magnetic properties.
Speed of light also depends on the PPP density. When
lightwave travels through the space, the photon feels PPP density as
hurdles, same as a runner feels hurdles, a runner must jump over the
hurdles, and this slows down his / her speed and his / her time is
increased on a given distance.
Now, under time a density
of PPP has increased slowly, increased PPP density means for the photon
more "hurdles", this can be seen as a decreased speed of light
measurements made under the years.
This locally compressed area of PPP should also lead to repulsion from
the mass. It is the same system, that in a large scale makes the
universe to expand with an increasing speed. PPP density (zpe) blows (push) mass away.
If we have a system that compresses PPP
density locally, it also leads to antigravity effects, to repulsion
against the mass. Some thougts about construction of nested cylindrical
electromagnetic fields on my web-page:
This is only a very short description, but I hope you can find what I mean.