American Antigravity for Broadband
Date: Saturday, November 05, 2005 @ 17:55:32 UTC
Topic: General

Tim Ventura writes: Dear All:

Great news for fans of American Antigravity! With the assistance of Matthew Carson & the Open-Source Energy Network, we're now able to show you full-length Windows Media format video online, providing a depth and scope of coverage on emerging technologies never before available!

If you've got a high-speed connection such as DSL, Cable, or your on a Local Area Network, you'll be able to enjoy longer video clips than the music-videos that we've used in the past.

Our test video is a streaming-media file containing our Discovery International out-take footage from April 2005. This hour-long clip contains excerpts from over 4-hours of filming that we did in April 2005 for WagTV, which is currently being produced for Discovery International & UK. It's a two part clip: the first is raw interview footage with myself & Gary Stephenson on AG & BPP research & concepts in physics research -- the second part is a segment with Lifter demonstration footage.

This raw footage is unprocessed, and contains a big-picture view of the AAG interview that you may be seeing on Discovery International/UK in the near future.

I'm going to label our broadband segments as "for Broadband" to ensure that our audience is aware of the file size -- however, our WinMedia 10 compression is a streaming format, which means that if you have a good connection, it should begin playing in streaming mode during the download process. On my home-system, it seems to only have a 10-second delay.

I'm building the links as we speak, so check out American Antigravity's homepage for details!
BTW -- Background info: Matthew Carson is the CEO of OSEN, Inc (Open Source Energy Network) -- this Vancouver-based non-profit is dedicated to providing the highest-quality information in emerging energy technologies, and features content by Sterling D. Allan on breakthrough & emerging energy technologies. OSEN is the world-leader in new-energy research, news, and reporting, and offers a new, feature-rich site online at:


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