Susskind's World Hologram, Casimir Force & Extra Space Dimensions
Date: Sunday, November 06, 2005 @ 16:57:18 UTC Topic: Science
Dr. Jack Sarfatti writes: Casimir force measurements are an extremely sensitive test for extra space dimensions.
If 't Hooft & Susskind are correct, then on the basis of their
theory, I predict a new "gravity" term for the Casimir force that can
be used to test for extra space dimensions. Indeed, it is pretty safe
to say that extra space dimensions have already been detected via
current observations of the Casimir force without people realizing it -
provided that 't Hooft & Susskind's basic idea is correct.
The simplest model of the QED Casimir force uses the OLD form of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
&p ~ h/&r
& means "uncertainty" (root mean square fluctuation of "ensemble"
of identically prepared micro-quantum systems subject to the Born
probabilty rules with "signal locality" from "sub-quantal
equilibrium" - A. Valentini)
Note that
&p < h/&r for virtual off-mass-shell zero point processes inside the vacuum
&p > h/&r for real on-mass-shell excited states outside the vacuum
Susskind shows that gravity (formation of a tiny black hole at large
momentum transfer in scattering) modifies the uncertainty principle to
&p ~ h/&r + (h/Lp)^2&r/h = h/&r + (c^3/G)&r
Its dual is
&r ~ h/&p + Lp^2&p/h = h/&p + (G/c^3)&p
Therefore, the Casimir force equation needs to be changed from
F = ahcA/L^4 = a(h/L)cA/L^3 = a&pcA/L^3
F = [a&pc + b(h/Lp)^2c&r]A/L^3
F(Casimir) = (ahc/L + b(c^4/G)L)A/L^3 = ahcA/L^4 + b(c^4/G)A/L^2
= QED Casimir Force + (G-STRING TENSION)(A/L)^2
where a & b are dimensionless coefficients to be calculated by renormalization/regularization algorithms.
c^4/G = G-string tension (Energy/Length) = (Force)
Extra space dimensions increase G* at small scales. Note that c^4/G is a big number because G is small and c is large.
Therefore, the fact that such a huge Casimir force ~ (10^19Gev/10-33cm)A/L^2 is clearly not seen implies either:
1. The 't Hooft-Susskind idea is wrong.
2. There are already extra space dimensions at the scale of Casimir force measurements that make
c^4/G* << c^4/G
Note, in a spherical conducting cavity A/L^2 is a constant.
Therefore, the gravity Casimir force is a constant = G-STRING TENSION
The potential is linear
V(Casimir Gravity Potential ~ (G-STRING TENSION)r
For positive dark energy density with negative pressure from w = -1
inside the cavity V > 0 and the radial force -dV/dr is
attractive pointing toward the center of the spherical cavity i.e. a
CONFINEMENT FORCE like the quarks inside hadrons.
This qualitative kind of effect may have already been seen in Ken Shoulders EVOs (AKA "Charge Clusters").
PS. None of this is in any of Hal Puthoff's papers on ZPE, Casimir Force & Charge Clusters.
On Nov 5, 2005, at 7:39 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:
AND WORMHOLE for our Conquest of Space-Time, for our Privateers against
the ET Enemy - IF such they be, is that we WANT w = -1.
We certainly want w < -1/3. We must be careful not to have w
< -1 since that is a WMD BIG RIP universe destroyer if it goes ICE
Also we need to develop a theory of the effective "w" in highly anisotropic thin films with quantized Hall effect anyons.
On Nov 5, 2005, at 7:24 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:
On Nov 5, 2005, at 6:01 PM, cosifan wrote:
As Hal told you back in September 05
"First, yes, it is true that, as you and Ibison have agreed upon (as do
I, BTW) an "empty" universe filled only with a cubic-frequency ZPE that
is Lorentz invariant and has no cutoff has an equation of state w = -1
for the very good reasons stated in Peacock, p. 26 ff., and as restated
in very clear terms by Michael. We have no disagreement there.
OK fine. I agreed we agreed on that particular point back then.
When it comes to applying ZPE concepts to Casimir Effect calculations,
however, the vacuum territory is radically restructured. The
introduction of specifically-placed plate boundaries with
materials-dependent cutoffs means that we no longer have a w = -1,
Lorentz-invariant vacuum structure, but rather a frame-dependent vacuum
structure defined by the placement and materials of the Casimir plates.
Wait a second here. Putting in the plates only breaks the translational
symmetry T(4) along the perpendicular to the parallel plates. It should
not affect the Lorentz group boosts at all if we look at the total
experiment from the POV of uniformly moving inertial observers. In any
case until Hal shows the actual math here, it is not clear what exactly
he is claiming here.
The details, explicitly stated in GR vacuum stress-energy terms as you
wish to do, are provided in B. S. DeWitt, "Quantum Field Theory in
Curved Spacetime," Phys. Reports, vol. 19, pp. 295-357 (1975).
Where else? It should be possible for Hal to make some more detailed remark to explain this.
In setting up the problem of a ZPE-filled vacuum into which plates are
to be inserted, regularization of the now-required frame-dependent
stress tensor at the beginning setup yields T^(uv) = (3Λ^4/pi^2) x diag
[1, 1/3, 1/3, 1/3], where Λ here is a high-energy cutoff (not the
cosmological constant).
Is this supposed to be
Tuv(ZPF with plates) - Tuv(ZPF without plates) ?
Tuv(ZPF) should be of the form
Tuv(ZPF without plates) = (hc3Λ^4/pi^2) x diag [1, -1, -1, -1]
Now Hal needs to give some kind of detail showing HOW THIS MIRACLE HAPPENS?
How does sticking in the plates cause the -1's to JUMP to +1/3?
How does Hal or DeWitt pull that White Rabbit out of the Top Hat?
If it's so obvious, let Hal EXPLAIN HOW THAT WORKS without HAND WAVING
and citing inaccessible badly written papers by DeWitt who takes
jillions of pages to explain things in obscure Schwingerian formalism.
As stated by DeWitt, "This has exactly the same form as the stress
tensor of a photon gas at rest (zero total 3-momentum) in the chosen
frame." That is, w = + 1/3.
But this is only the virtual photons between the plates, assuming the claim is correct, for the moment.
So, to get W = +1/3 you need a cutoff
or boundary conditions.
And W = -1 without a cutoff or no boundary.
In both cases Hal talks about the boundary
conditions for ZPE. Boundary conditions
that's all.....Rmc
Suppose for the moment what Hal says above is correct. Even so, IT IS IRRELEVANT to METRIC ENGINEERING!
All the above HOCUS POCUS NUMBO JUMBO will do is to GIVE YOU THE PURE NUMBER coefficient in the formula
Casimir Force = (pure number)hcA/L^4
Frankly Collins I don't give a DAMN what that PURE NUMBER is to UMPTEEN
decimal places. I only care about its order of magnitude.
This Casimir force says NOTHING directly about HOW ZPF bends spacetime.
BTW, if the result is correct that ZPF virtual photons have w = + 1/3 in thin films, then they are not relevant to warp drive.
However, what about virtual electron-positron pairs in the same thin film?
In principle ALL dynamical fields are important, however at nanometer
scale we can neglect gluons and weakons. All we have to play with is
virtual photons, virtual electron-positron pairs and of course the
vacuum coherent Higgs field on that scale. I mean the one from the
virtual electron-positron condensate.
The whole idea for metric engineering is to make sure that w = -1 in the regions we want to warp directly with
Guv + Λzpfguv = 0
tuv(ZPF) = (hc/L^2)Λzpfguv
L is the effective SHORT-WAVE CUTOFF.
Note, in principle L need not be the Planck scale!
This post is for physicists. From time to time I get the question:
where is the “real science” in the ZPE research? As I mentioned from
the beginning, this site targets the general public. As far as I
understand it, the “real science” of this field is very complex and
restricted to a few brave, open minded and extremely well qualified
physicist and mathematicians, who debate these issues through mostly
private e-mails and a few moderated more or less public groups. I do
not know and do not care if Sarfatti is an Illuminati or not; I feel
what he does is important for all of us and I respect him for having
the knowledge and the guts to do it. [Vlad]