Future Energy eNews (IRI), Nov 8, 2005
Date: Tuesday, November 08, 2005 @ 20:26:05 UTC
Topic: General

1) Energy Independence - Senators Reid and Lieberman create a firestorm with energy bills
2) Tesla's Drahtlose Elektrizitat - Wireless electricity transmission in German Nexus magazine
3) New Nanoscale Engine - Switches between two energy states
4) New Hydrogen Storage Method - Danish breakthrough improves stability and safety
5) Human Hands Emit Light - Biophoton discovery may have medical and healing applications
6) Invention Secrecy Activity - Fed of Amer Sci reports details but which are energy-related?
7) Powdered Metal: The Fuel of the Future - Nanosized metal flakes burn clean, are recyclable

Read the whole newsletter here: http://users.erols.com/iri/EnewsNov8,2005.htm

This article comes from ZPEnergy.com

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