Searl effect generator and the wave function
Date: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 @ 07:33:33 UTC
Topic: Devices

There is a experiment used in physics education,called double slit experiment to demonstrate that the light is a wave on it`s nature.This effect occurs,because there is created a interference pattern from a single coherent light point source.

This same system occurs also with a SEG,because there is a slit in between each rollers. Microwave radiation from the stator magnet created by electron spin precession radiates through slits and creates an interference pattern in nested cylindrical form outside the SEG at given distance, depending on microwave wave lenght. Properties and stability of this pattern depends on microwave frequency, distance between stator magnet and rollers, distances between the slits.

SEG is a one kind of antenna, radiating microwaves to outside from SEG. with a created nested cylindrical fields PPP:s ( zpe ) are collecting to this nested field. Every transmitting antenna is also reciprocal, it means that it can receive and transmit as well. This means,that collected PPP particles outside the SEG are directed to middle of the SEG in a rotating form. This causes "gravity" forces against the mass (rollers), making them to rotate and keeps rollers at given distance from a stator.

The coherent microwave radiation from electron spin precession is needed only for a startup of the system, once the weak field is formed, system comes to self feeding from the zpe energy .

There is available an 3D Java applet to demonstrate this formation of nested cylindrical fields at :

Select 3D Waves applet,select setup:Triple slit, remove selection show sides.

Rotate cube with a mouse to see pattern from various angles and you can see the nested fields created in a same form as Roschin & Godin measured in their experiment.

There is also 2D applet available with the slit arrays, also you can change frequencies , dimensions and radiation angles.


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