EPRI - Innovation Workshop
Date: Sunday, December 04, 2005 @ 19:23:13 UTC
Topic: General


The workshop will put innovation in context and provide practical frameworks and tools for executives to bring back to their organization. This workshop is not about technologies—it is about how innovation can be woven into the fabric of a utility organization.

[I wonder how and who can prepare them for a market ready ZPE extraction device shock? - Vlad]

Workshop Objectives
To deal with the key questions on innovation facing the electric utility industry:
  • What is innovation?
  • Does the industry need to incorporate innovation in its processes and operation?
  • When should your innovation strategy be "Play to Win?"
  • When should it be "Play Not to Lose?"
  • What are other companies doing to embed innovation in their culture?
  • How do we receive the innovation we need within our organizations?

Hosted By
Clark Gellings, Vice President of Innovation for Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Who Should Attend
Attendees will be limited to senior management of EPRI member electric utilities.

For more information see Event Calendar.
Event Sheet - Available On-line
Download 1012932 for Free

This article comes from ZPEnergy.com

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