Resonant Fields
Date: Monday, January 16, 2006 @ 17:57:58 UTC
Topic: Science

Complete Course in Advanced Science: Resonant Fields - the fundamental mechanism of physics made easy to understand.

Beyond Einstein:

Einstein died trying to complete his Unified Field Theory, a comprehensive, intuitive explanation of the way everything in the universe operates... a Theory of Everything. Feynman longed for a basic mechanism that would enable us to know not just "how the Earth moves around the Sun, but what makes it go."

Discovery of that basic mechanism, Resonant Fields, has finally united all of physics into a comprehensive, intuitive explanation of the way everything works... just like Einstein wanted.

This breakthrough-discovery found that the Resonant Fields, of which everything in the universe is made, violate Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle by demonstrating an organized deep reality, rather than a random one. Sub-field interactions are not random but pseudorandom. Deep reality is quite deterministic and strictly cause-and-effect. Energy patterns deep within atoms, light, gravity, and everything else, are similar to the pseudorandom algorithms used to encrypt secret messages, where the order of their precision activity is concealed within their complexity.

Pseudorandom deep reality finally reconciles Quantum Mechanics and Relativity. It explains quantum gravity, black holes, antigravity, action-at-a-distance, subatomic interactions, electricity, magnetism, light, duality, quarks, strings, movement, radioactivity, the universal speed limit, and the 5th dimension. Now we know why they are never uncertain about what they do or how they do it. Unlike Heisenberg's random underworld, real atoms, light, and gravity always get it right and never forget how to do it!

Finally, the Resonant Field Theory explains that fundamental mechanism in
easy-to-understand, intuitive terms...just like Einstein and Feynman longed for.

It means that we can now begin decrypting those natural energy-flow patterns to reveal their hidden secret messages. And because, so many age-old secrets have been revealed for the first time in this book.

Everything has finally been Made Simple.
Who will enjoy this unusual book?

This book has been specially written for those with at least a high-school science background. If you like reading Scientific American, and Popular Science... you will love this book!

Paperback Version
Shipped direct to you.

by Dr. John N. Hait, PhD.
Edited by Marlene Mickelson, MS, CRC, CRA, DTM
512 pages, fully illustrated, paper-book
Up to date 2005 Edition 3.11
Price = $125.00 USD


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