Levitating wirelessly powered lightbulb
Date: Friday, January 20, 2006 @ 22:04:39 UTC Topic: Testimonials
From KeelyNet.com News: (This is interesting because of possible use as a hoax for free energy demonstrations as with the Steven Marks device. - JWD) Lightbulb explores two phenomena I find interesting, the stabilization of unstable systems using feedback, and wireless power transmission. Feedback systems often levitate objects, stabilize inverted pendulums, and the like. Wireless power transmission has been around since Tesla's invention a century ago, although it is still not widely utilized. I wanted to explore these effects together. Lightbulb uses a special bulb, inside which magnets and circuitry are hidden.
Using a magnetic hall effect sensor, an electromagnet, and a
[modified] PD feedback system, it floats a lightbulb stably in the air,
while power is transmitted wirelessly from the base of the sculpture
into the bulb. LEDs in the bulb rectify this AC power and convert it to
light. The power transfer functions very similarly to how radio station
tuning works and requires a well tuned matched pair of resonant
windings, but allows power transmission through the air.
Source article: http://bea.st/sight/lightbulb/