Date: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 @ 22:50:31 UTC
Topic: Devices

Gasoline prices rise and fall, but the general trend appear to be upward. Some predict oil prices could more than triple in the next five years, triggering a number of serious problems.

North America and the UK are looking at record future prices for natural gas. An emergency in electric power production is one probable result. The trendlines have softened with favorable weather, but the problem has not gone away. Present estimates suggest the challenge will continue to be of major concern in the U.S. for perhaps ten years, at which time Liquid Natural Gas (LNG), shipped from abroad, is expected to alleviate the shortfall. However, MPI appears to have the potential to help ease the resulting electric power shortage.

MPI’s Magnetic Power Modules are opening paths to early production of Demonstration Devices. Prototypes have demonstrated more output than input. An independent lab has agreed to validate the work once Over-Unity is consistent and beyond possible measurement error.

A pending patent application entitled Solid-State Electric Generator will be published by the USPTO in late July. Units of this type of Magnetic Power Module can be combined in a manner analogous to photovoltaic cells. The resulting generators will range from prototype pre-manufacturing single module demonstration devices, later this year, to multiple modules, and various combinations, that could be in production next year, capable of yielding more power. Electricity for homes will be an early target market. Distributed generation of electricity will follow, as will automotive use. Eventually modules could be linked together to produce a Megawatt, or more, for power plants.

Conversion of utility type transformers into generators is another part of our commercialization program. At an appropriate time, MPI will acquire 3 kva transformers. With our technology, these devices will become generators with no moving parts. The resulting 1 kW units may be the size of a microwave oven. The Company will also develop optimized designs with cooperating manufacturers. These will reduce the size and weight of this type of Magnetic Power Module. Demonstration devices might produce only a few watts. When 3 kva conversions are perfected, in perhaps the third iteration, the output might eventually rise as high as 1,500 Watts. This is the standard rating for plug-in electric household heaters. In addition to powering a wide variety of small appliances, the market for appliances and electric heaters having a self-contained power source is clearly very large.

Several families of designs are expected to yield Demonstration Devices. Included early on will be at least one solid-state system and one system having moving parts. With sufficient funds, including capital to hire more people, our entire commercialization program will become an around-the-clock effort.

We are considering various prototype automobile demonstrations. One is likely to be modification of a plug-in hybrid -- substituting Magnetic Power Modules for the need to plug-in. This will allow 30 to 50 miles of driving. Automotive demonstrations should become a harbinger of hope for consumers. They will herald the emergence of huge new markets for major car manufacturers, and could reopen closed plants, providing substantial numbers of new jobs for auto workers.

Strategic Partner discussions, to accelerate development and produce MPI’s Modules, are under way worldwide. Early production in several countries now appears likely. The price of oil could conceivably drop as markets absorb the reality of a near-term alternative. The potential impact on the anticipated shortages of electricity might become significant. The elimination of the need for all fossil or nuclear fuels now appears to be on the horizon. Slowing and perhaps reversal of Greenhouse Warming is implicit in the achievement.

Mark Goldes, Chairman & CEO, Magnetic Power Inc.
Telephone: 707 829-9391

© 2006 Magnetic Power Inc. All rights reserved

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