The Maxwell equations for E and B fields in free space are written as:
div E0 E = 0 (1)
div B = 0 (2)
rot B = M0.E0 dE/dt (3)
rot E = -dB/dt. (4)
Written in these forms, the symmetry of E and B is distorted.
A redefinition of B and E could be made as follows:
Let's put E' = E0^1/2.E
B' = B/M0^1/2.
Now (1),(2),(3),(4) are changed to:
div E0^1/2 E' = 0 (1')
div B' = 0 (2')
rot B' = M0^1/2.E0^1/2 dE'/dt (3')
rot E' = -M0^1/2.E0^1/2 dB'/dt. (4')
Now we can see that E' and B' are
symmetrical in the new forms of Maxwell equations. Moreover, these
equations have solutions of travelling waves that may be suited to
describe ZPE fields:
E' = A cos [(w.t + (2.Pi/lambda).x]
B' is derived from E' using (3') and(4')
travelling waves may explain the queer wave behaviour of Shroedinger
equations. The nutty points are how de Broglie wavelength appears in
these ZPE fields and how charges and masses convert energy from the ZPE
field into mass field and charge field.