Technology - Collection of articles & emails on the Irish claim
to free energy
6) Planktos
Inc. - COFE2
Speaker solving the other energy problem - too much CO2
Extract from 2) STEORN - Technoloy
Email from Koen van Vlanderen from Aug. 25, 2006:
Hello Adolf,
An inverted hysteresis loop means a violation of the
'second law of thermodynamics', which should be possible. See for instance
http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/physics/9912022. If
indeed the material of some type of permanent magnets shows an inverted
hysteresis loop, then that might explain the OU of several magnetic motors. One
should expect a cooling effect, since probably thermic energy is converted into
motion. If this is not observed, then another source of energy might be the
chaotic ZPE ("always an easy way out").
A PM with negative hysteresis
loop means that it takes relatively little energy to de-magnetise the PM
(partially), such that the return to the a fully magnetised state of the PM
results into a surplus of magnetic field energy. In many setups of magnetic
motors a PM is confronted with an opposite magnetic field that may de-magnetise
the PM partially, such that the PM's "H-field" follows an inverted hysteresis
Steorn's discovery might involve other materials with an inverted
hysteresis loop. For instance, a high-mu material with inverted hysteresis loop
can be used as magnetic shield and can be magnetised with little
Non-linearity is also an issue, since inverted hysteresis and
non-linearity are closely related (critical behaveour, phase transitions)
Magnetic properties are manifest many scales of magnitude, and therefore
magnetic properties form an excellent candidate for non-linear and negative
entropic effects. I suppose an inverted hysteresis loop for magnetic materials
at room temperature is as much a holy grail as room temperature
A Google search: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2001PhRvB..64m2404O
Design and preparation of a bulk magnet exhibiting an inverted hysteresis
Analysis of the Hysteresis Loop of Permanent Magnets by
the Energetic Model /M.-H. Yu, R. Grössinger, M. Küpferling, Z.-D.
Zhang,H. Hauser, R. Sato and B. Enzberg-Mahlke/ ······· S105 On the Origin of
Anomalous Magnetic Aftereffects and _*Thermal Remagnetization*_
Additional Google research results (info by A.
Design and preparation of a bulk magnet exhibiting an inverted hysteresis
Email from von W.D. Bauer , Berlin, 26.8.06
Sehr geehrter Hr. Schneider !
At 15:49 24.08.2006 +0200, Adolf
Schneider wrote:
I can not see here a direct connection that a scalar
field ( whatever it may be) has to do anything with a non-conservative field and
longitudinal forces. For me the generation of magnetic longitudinal forces is
equivalent with the generation of magnetic monopoles, see my article in
arxiv.org under physics/0401151.pdf.
It would be good if Koen van
Vlaenderen would give a reference here. Not every overunity claim may fit to
this idea. For instance Graneau's experiments with the water arc explosions
point out more to cold fusion effects than for longitudinal Ampere forces.
Anyway, I have seen Koen van Vlaenderen's article in arxiv.org: From the
intention it is a typical top-to-bottom article. If I remember it correctly he
overtakes Bearden's hypothesis that the Lorenz gauge relation has to be modified
and has to be expanded by a scalar term S. Using this he build together a
modified Maxwell theory. However he never comes to the bottom and discusses no
concrete examples near to technology with his theory. In my article in arxiv.org
under physics/0401151.pdf I tackled the same theme until to the bottom without
mentioning Bearden. But anyway his ideas are investigated there. In a appendix
of my article you find a classical derivation of the Lorenz gauge from the
continuity equation of charge i.e. drho/dt + div j =0.
I did this derivation because for me a question came up: What happens if you
want to include in the Maxwell theory the generation of charges, for instance
generated by high energy experiments in accelerators, by electron hole pair
generation in semiconductors, by ionisation of salts and so on. The answer is:
you have to add a source term of charge generation into the continuity
If you look to the derivation of the Lorenz gauge in the mentioned
appendix it is immediately clear, that if source terms are added the Lorenz
gauge has to be modified as well and a third term appears. Indeed (I agree with
Koen van Vlaenderen here) this extension of the theory is important to describe
overunity experiments. It is concretely applied in the description of the
Yusa-Sakaki FET which is a real overunity device as I believe to have shown in
the same article .
This third (source) term may be what Bearden denotes as regauging. However I
do not believe that it is a real regauging. G.W. Bruhn has a criticising article
of Koen van Vlaaenderen's theory in this respect on his website and I believe
that he may be correct. In deed without modifying the continuity equation above
you can say as well that drho/dt is composed by drho/dt=drho*/dt+ S_L where rho*
is the observed charge density rho* and S_L is the Lorenz-source term S_L.
Therefore, in the meantime, I believe that this concept of regauging is born in
the following way: Tom Bearden heard it from one of these crazy inventors he is
in contact permanently. The inventor found that a source term could explain his
observations and attributed it to the S_L in the theory without
it fully. Tom Bearden took it over this concept making his impressing science
fiction out of that.
And today the whole world babbles about the theme in
this way.
Concerning the additonal comments of Thomas Bearden, like :
> There are no "static" EM fields in nature, electrical engineering
notwithstanding. Instead, what is called a "static" field around a charge, an
electret, a magnet, or any dipolarity, is rigorously the result of a
nonequilibrium steady state (NESS) system, in thermodynamics terms....etc. see
That sounds more near to science if compared to earlier times.
Thanks also for the URL
Dieter Bauer
Distributed in the public interest by
sponsors of the
Second International Conference on Future Energy
(COFE2), Sept. 22-24, 2006 in the Washington DC