Excerpts from Cold Fusion: Fire from Water on Google Video
Date: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 @ 07:50:52 UTC
Topic: Science

Steven Krivit writes: New Energy Institute (www.newenergytimes.com) is pleased to announce a recent collaboration with the New Energy Foundation (www.infinite-energy.com). New Energy Institute has released an edited version of the phenomenal 1999 documentary Cold Fusion: Fire from Water, produced by Eugene Mallove and the New Energy Foundation, and is making it available at no cost via the Internet. Mallove was a visionary who saw the potential of this scientific phenomenon.

This brilliant film captures the heart of the new field of condensed matter nuclear science, in which ongoing research is demonstrating stronger and stronger evidence that there is hope for a better solution to the world's energy and environmental problems.

Edited by Steven B. Krivit and released by New Energy Institute with permission from the New Energy Foundation.

The film is available at: Fire from Water

The film can also be downloaded and played in Google's proprietary viewer.

This article comes from ZPEnergy.com

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