Priming the Pump for a Major Motion Picture on New Energy
Date: Sunday, January 28, 2007 @ 12:56:50 UTC
Topic: General

New movie being produced about the myriad of affordable, safe, and practical, clean energy solutions. Co-producers seek seed donations to help launch the project.

by Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News
Copyright © 2007

LOS ANGELES, CA, USA -- Imagine an engaging, riveting feature film about the many feasible New Energy technologies, presented with the level of production skill demonstrated in recent blockbusters like An Inconvenient Truth, Who Killed the Electric Car, or What the Bleep do We Know? That is what the New Energy Movement and its sister organization, the New Energy Congress are intent on accomplishing -- the making of a New Energy film, released in time to make New Energy not just a buzz word, but a serious issue in the campaigns leading up to the 2008 U.S. election and thereafter.

The film will showcase a myriad of presently available, generally unknown renewable energy technologies that could eliminate our reliance on fossil fuels -- technologies that can provide electricity for our homes and businesses, or power our vehicles at comparable, or even lower prices than what we now pay. The film will also look at technologies that are in process of emerging, as well as others that look very promising, which could provide clean, reliable and safe energy much more cheaply.

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