U.S. patent application published no. 20070007844
Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 @ 20:48:24 UTC Topic: Devices
Self-sustaining electric-power generator utilizing electrons of low
inertial mass to magnify inductive energy
Electrical oscillations in a metallic "sending coil" radiate inductive photons toward one or more "energy-magnifying coils" comprised of a photoconductor or doped semiconductor coating a metallic conductor, or comprised of a superconductor. Electrons of low inertial mass in the energy-magnifying coil(s) receive from the sending coil a transverse force having no in-line backforce, which exempts this force from the energy-conservation rule.
The low-mass electrons in the energy-magnifying coil(s) receive increased acceleration proportional to normal electron mass divided by the lesser mass. Secondarily radiated inductive-photon energy is magnified proportionally to the electrons' greater acceleration, squared. E.g., the inductive-energy-magnification factor of CdSe photoelectrons with 0.13.times. normal electron mass is 59.times.. Magnified inductive-photon energy from the energy-magnifying coil(s) induces oscillating electric energy in one or more metallic "output coil(s)." The electric energy output exceeds energy input if more of the magnified photon-induction energy is directed toward the output coil(s) than is directed as a counter force to the sending coil. After an external energy source initiates the oscillations, feedback from the generated surplus energy makes the device a self-sustaining generator of electric power for useful purposes.
Inventors: Barbat; William N.; (Lake Oswego, OR)
Assignee Name and Adress: Levitronics, Inc.
General Technical Considerations
[0038] An understanding of how infinite energy mistakenly came to be rejected by the scientific community clarifies the basis of this invention. The electrodynamic function described in the embodiments described later below conforms to Helmholtz's alternate energy rule, which states that a force that is not in-line with its causative force "may be either lost or gained ad infinitum." This rule was included in "Uber die Erhaltung der Kraft" ("On the Conservation of Force") that Hermann Helmholtz delivered to the Physical Society of Berlin in 1847. But, Helmholtz mistakenly believed that "all actions in nature are reducible to forces of attraction and repulsion, the intensity of forces depending solely upon the distances between points involved . . . [so i]t is impossible to obtain an unlimited amount of force capable of doing work as the result of any combination whatsoever of natural objects."
[0039] Helmholtz refused to accept the idea that magnetic energy qualifies for ad infinitum status despite the fact that Ampere's (1820) magnetic force on parallel straight conductors is obviously transverse to the direction of the electric currents rather than being in-line with the currents. He omitted mention that the magnetic force in Ampere's (1825) important invention, the solenoidal electromagnet, is caused by currents in the loops of his coils, which are transverse to the direction of magnetic force. Also, he failed to mention that Ampere considered the magnetic force of a permanent magnet to be caused by minute transverse circular currents, which are now recognized as electrons that spin and orbit transversely.
[0040] Helmholtz, who was educated as a military medical doctor without any formal study of physics, relied instead on an obsolete metaphysical explanation of magnetic force: "Magnetic attraction may be deduced completely from the assumption of two fluids which attract or repel in the inverse ratio of the square of their distance . . . . It is known that the external effects of a magnet can always be represented by a certain distribution of the magnetic fluids on its surface." Without departing from this belief in magnetic fluids, Helmholtz cited Wilhelm Weber's (1846) similarly wrong interpretation that magnetic and inductive forces are directed in the same line as that between the moving electric charges that cause the forces.
[0041] Weber had thought that he could unify Coulombic, magnetic, and inductive forces in a single, simple equation, but Weber's flawed magnetic-force term leads to the absurd conclusion that a steady current in a straight wire induces a steady electric current in a parallel wire. Also, a changing current does not induce an electromotive force in-line with the current, as Weber's equation showed. The induced force is offset instead, which becomes more apparent the further that two nested, coaxial coils are separated. What appears to be a directly opposing backforce is actually a reciprocal inductive force.
[0042] Helmholtz's assertion that the total sum of the energy in the universe is a fixed amount that is immutable in quantity from eternity to eternity appealed to his young friends. But, the elder scientists of the Physical Society of Berlin declared his paper to be "fantastical speculation" and a "hazardous leap into very speculative metaphysics," so it was rejected for publication in Annalen der Physik. Rather than accept this rejection constructively, Helmholtz found a printer willing to help him self-publish his work. Helmholtz headed the publication with a statement that his paper had been read before the Society, but he disingenuously withheld mention of its outright rejection. Unwary readers have since received the wrong impression that his universal energy-conservation rule had received the Society's endorsement rather than its censure.
[0043] Helmholtz (1862, 1863) publicized his concept thusly: "[W]e have been led up to a universal natural law, which . . . expresses a perfectly general and particularly characteristic property of all natural forces, and which . . . is to be placed by the side of the laws of the unalterability of mass and the unalterability of the chemical elements." Helmholtz (1881) declared that any force that did not conserve energy would be "in contradiction to Newton's axiom, which established the equality of action and reaction for all natural forces" [sic]. With this deceitful misrepresentation of Newton's strictly mechanical principle, Helmholtz had craftily succeeded in commuting the profound respect for Newton's laws to his unscientific doctrine. Subsequently, the Grand Cross was conferred on Helmholtz by the kings of Sweden and Italy and the President of the French Republic, and he was welcomed by the German Emperor into nobility with the title of "von" added to his name. These prestigious awards made his doctrine virtually unassailable in the scientific community.
[0044] Ampere's principle of transverse magnetic attraction and repulsion between electric currents had been made into an equation for the magnetic force between moving electric charges by Carl Frederick Gauss (written in 1835, published posthumously in 1865). The critical part of Gauss's equation shows, and modem physics texts agree, that magnetic force is transverse to the force that imparts a relative velocity (i.e., perpendicular to a connecting line) between charges. Lacking a direct backforce, a transverse magnetic force can produce a greater force than the force that causes it.
[0045] The only physicist to recognize in print the profound significance of Gauss's work was James Clerk Maxwell (1873), who stated, "[If Gauss's formula is correct,] energy might be generated indefinitely in a finite system by physical means." Prepossessed with Helmholtz's "law," Maxwell chose not to believe Gauss's transverse magnetic-force equation and accepted Wilhelm Weber's (1846) erroneous in-line formula instead. Maxwell even admitted knowing of Gauss's (1845) rebuke of Weber for his mistaken direction of magnetic force as "a complete overthrow of Ampere's fundamental formula and the adoption of essentially a different one."
[0046] In 1893 the critical part of Ampere's formula for magnetic force, which Weber and Maxwell rejected, and which Helmholtz had replaced with his contrary metaphysical explanation, was proposed for the basis for the international measure of electric current, the Ampere (or amp), to be defined in terms of the transverse magnetic force that the current produces. But Helmholtz's doctrine had become so impervious to facts that anyone who challenged this "law" faced defamation and ridicule.
[0047] The first recognition of unlimited energy came from Sir Joseph Larmor who reported in 1897, "[A] single ion e, describing an elliptic orbit under an attraction to a fixed center . . . must rapidly lose its energy by radiation . . . [but] in the cases of steady motion it is just this amount that is needed to maintain the permanency of motion in the aether." Apparently to mollify critics of his heretical concept, Larmor offered a half-hearted recantation in 1900: "[T]he energy of orbital groups . . . would be through time sensibly dissipated by radiation, so that such groups could not be permanent."
[0048] In 1911 Rutherford found that an atom resembles a small solar system with negative ions moving like planets around a small, positively charged nucleus. These endlessly orbiting electrons were a source of the perpetual radiation that had been aptly described by Larmor, and these orbiting electrons were also Planck's (1911) "harmonic oscillators" that he used to explain Zero-Point Energy (ZPE). ZPE was shown by the fact that helium remains liquid under atmospheric pressure at absolute zero, so that helium must be pressurized to become solid at that temperature. Planck believed that harmonic oscillators derived "dark energy" from the aether to sustain their oscillations, thereby admitting that an infinite source of energy exists. However, he assigned an occult origin to this infinite energy rather than a conventional source that had not met with Helmholtz's approval.
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