The Tesla Beograd WWII Nazi Bell Connection
Date: Saturday, May 26, 2007 @ 18:16:21 UTC Topic: Science
From Jack Sarfatti, PhD physics: I am keeping almost everything anonymous to emphasize the physics and not
the people.
On May 25, 2007, at 5:50 PM, ... wrote: "I personally saw a craft of this type execute two right angle turns while covering nine miles of airspace in under a second and a half on December 13, 1989, just north of the Ontario International Airport over Rancho Cucamonga at about 11:44 PM on that date. It produced no sonic boom. I roughly calculated that the object, a brilliant, bluish-white sphere, had to been travelling upwards of 12 to 14,000 miles per hour. It was headed, just by coincidence, in the direction of Edwards AFB."
It has been a while since I talked to ...... ... He did attempt to explain how he THOUGHT it might work, but it sounded like something I had seen in Moray B. King's second book on Tapping Zero-Point Energy. ... The gist of the circuit's operation, in what little detail ... has shared with me went something like the following with components oriented in the following way:
The "capacitor section" of the circuit, as shown in my ARV cutaway illustration is made up of 48 individual plate capacitor sections. Each section is comprised of eight long, thin, isosceles triangular plates, each approximately 1/2 inch thick.
[Jack] Can you send that? Or is that it below?
Between each plate there is about 3/4 of an inch of dielectric material. ... thinks that it's Dow Chemical Co's G-10, resin-based plastic. It is not. The individual sections are stacked in an order that lines up with the gaps in the adjacent sections, so that the plates in one vertical section line up with the gaps in the two stacks on either side of it.
Something like this as viewed while looking at the outer edge and towards the center of the array:
In the center of this radially oriented array, all cast within a single chunk of dielectric, is "the central column". Brad stated that he did not know what was inside it, but that it contained Mercury vapor a "noble gas". He referred to it as the "Amplifier Section". But this was about all he claimed he knew concerning this component. (Or so he said at the time).
[Jack] Reminds me of the "Nazi Bell Machine".
The bottom of the crew compartment sphere (which measured 12 feet in diameter on the 24 foot diameter ARV), was flush with the bottom of the cast capacitor section. The amplifier section was a column approximately 24 inches in diameter that ran vertically up through the center of the sphere with its upper end embedded in the carbon-kevlar pultruded material of the crew compartment.
At the center of the column, was a two inch thick metallic disc approximately 9 feet in diameter. It was designed to spin around the central column on a concentric axis. This component was thought to be a homopolar generator. Brad said it also contributed to vehicle stability in low power, hover mode. It was centered in the plane of the next component, the "Antenna Section".
Around the outer surface of the crew compartment sphere was another casting, and within it appeared to be multiple loops of 1/4 thick copper wire or tubing. (I have forgotten what Brad said specifically on this point). But the component was about 24 inches wider than the crew compartment in radius, and it was about 9 inches thick, with its out edge milled in a manner that provide a frustrum-shaped mounting surface that lined up with the outer edge of the cap section below it. This ring, which gave the crew compartment the appearance of the planet Saturn was referred to as the "Antenna Section".
Another witness told me that the crew compartment sphere was trapped between the flanges of the upper and lower halves of the crew compartment sphere, and during an ejection, the upper section is jetisoned along with the central column and the four ejection seats mounted on it back-to-back. Brad did not know this. The witness suggested that this feature protected the crew from the effects of the ionization and X-ray photons (?) around the highly charged craft in the event of an ejection. He also suggested that the upper crew compartment section could act as a rudimentary heat shield if a re-entry into the atmosphere was required.
It doesn't take much imagination in looking at the bare-bones assembly to visualize this as a very large and cleverly constructed, self-powered Tesla Coil system. In fact it looks remarkably like the layout of a design Tesla discussed in an early 20th century newspaper article for a craft he called the "Ion Craft" or something like that. The layout was very close to this configuration. This general layout also comes very close to matching the layout of the "Electrohydrodynamic Vehicle" patented by James Frank King Jr. a technician working in the Labs of Agnew Bahnson with Thomas Townsend Brown.
[Jack] Has anybody written a real physics analysis of this with explanation? At the moment I cannot connect the dots to get an idea how this thing could possibly fly. If it did it would be some kind of EM stress drive with g-forces like any conventional craft - therefore not an alien saucer for sure. A WWII Nazi craft - OK.
... and I never fully agreed about the layout of the Tesla Coil circuit; he felt that both primary and secondary coils were encapsulated in the outer ring. My belief was that the ring or "Amplifier Section" was the primary winding set and the secondaries were wrapped around the central column, or "Amplifier Section". ...didn't seem to know, or at least never stated to me, which configuration was correct.
[Jack] What is being "amplified"? Magnetic field presumably.
In ... mind, the circuit worked like this: Two, 24 volt deep cycle marine batteries were used to power up the rotation of the homopolar generator. It in turn produced a much higher voltage potential that was stored on each capacitor section, charging them up sequentially in parallel. After the full array was charged, the entire bank of capacitors would discharge in series, through the central column, kind of like a cyclotron tube, further boosting the voltage. I seem to recall that ionic resonance played a role here as well. One witness who claimed his mother had worked on the project said that the Mercury ions in the amplifier section had to be in resonance with the dielectric material in the capacitor section for it to work properly. He never told me "why" though. He did say that was why the dielctric material was critical to the ...'s operation. I have never shared what that material is with ...because of the manner in which he has treated me over the years. But it isn't plastic!
[Jack] While this is all very interesting. I still am mystified of what the basic lift mechanism could be here? I need to see it mathematically expressed in terms of electrodynamics of continuous media like in the Landau-Lifshitz book. Now is this dielectric supposed to be alien ET, or Nazi WWII? ... at ...spoke of Nazi WWII stuff roughly like what you describe.
Basically we have electrons and nuclei and a near non-radiating EM field to first approximation. Not enough far field radiation to make lift. We sure do not have Ivanov's 10^9 volts per cm needed to bend space directly for real zero g-force warp drive, nor do we have his current densities. In terms of the dynamical action A we have
A(Matter) + A(EM Field)
with minimal coupling i.e. covariant derivatives D = d + eA in A(Matter) where A is the EM 1-form potential and
A(EM Field) = *FΛF/4
F = dA
Maxwell's field equations are
dF = 0 (Faraday EM induction + zero divergence of B magnetic field)
d*F = *J (Ampere's law + Gauss's law)
for D & H field with all the DIELECTRIC resonance inhomogeneities etc in *F and *J(electric currents)
OK now ... et-al and ... independently shot down ... EM stress drive with specific arguments. Remember ... is a Tesla expert having access to the Tesla files in Beograd. However there is a very simple general proof that no EM stress system can fly if the symmetry group is the 10-parameter Poincare group of 1905 Einstein special relativity. This is Noether's theorem. The total linear momentum of matter + EM field is a constant of the motion. The near EM field is stuck to the matter of the ship. Therefore no propellantless propulsion no lift is possible. The center of mass of matter + EM field has conserved momentum and the mass is not changing. Torsion fields might change this because then the torsion field stress-energy density tensor is not symmetric. Also note that a vortex ring in the fabric of space itself would be a kind of warp field with "motion" perpendicular to the ring - like in hydrodynamics.
This high voltage discharge fired through the central column was then routed back to be stored on each individual cap section again, this time in parallel with each section carrying the new "higher" voltage than it started with. The sections were then discharged in series again starting the whole cycle over again, firing again and again, in each cycle reaching progressively higher voltages.
I felt that there were some very important reasons why the cap sections were oriented as they were, and ... did not necessarily agree with my POV. I believed that part of the purpose of the array's radial construction was to act as a kind of swash plate solution to the levitation created by the high voltage charging and discharging of the plate capacitor sections--. A result of the Biefield-Brown Effect. Alter the voltage level in one section and you could create the effects of yaw and pitch while the craft was in flight.
In fact, ... more or less confirmed this point, in noting that while he observed the craft in the hangar at Skunkworks, there was a bowl-shaped mechanism rising out of one arm of the pilot's ejection seat that would respond to the pull of gravity and if the craft tilted slightly to one side, the bowl would swing in pendulum-fashion in the direction of the tilt, (apparently still subject to some gravitation in the environment) and the ARV would automatically right itself. He said the motion of the craft, while hovering unmanned in the hangar was like watching a large ship drifting softly while tied up at a pier.
My opinion was that the Biefield-Brown effect was merely a flight control mechanism. The real acceleration and dramatic performance of the craft was caused by whatever was going on in the central column. ... suggested to me that it was tapping into "scalar waves" when he first described it to me. He also mentioned that the atmosphere in the part of the hangar where the three ARV's were isolated was significantly colder than the other areas of the hangar. It was about 102 degrees outside that day, (I checked with the NWS) and he said it felt like it was around seventy degrees in ythe area around the ARV's.
This colder temperature is consistent with stories we've heard in the past with "cold current" where circuits tapping into the ZPE actually began to frost over.
[Jack] I do not see how that is possible with this kind of device.
In my discussions with ... regarding this craft, I speculated that the core of the "Amplifier Section" was using some aspect of plasma physics to generate a "doorway" for tapping the ZPE. I asked him if there was such a thing as "virtual plasma", and he got rather excited, saying that there was much speculation in the physics community about that very concept being a means of tapping into the ZPE. My reading in plasma physics and in trying to comprehend the ion behavior in the "Amplifier Section" led me to wonder if there was some special conditions that existed within the central column.
[Jack] That's vacuum polarization, but the effect is very weak. That's the problem here. I do not see how an ionized plasma will strongly couple to the virtual electron-positron pairs inside the vacuum. Maybe, but one has to show exactly how with the math of mainstream physics.
... began opining some "vortexian" process that occurred within the column, tapping the ZPE in a manner suggested in the work of Viktor Schauberger of Germany back in the 1920's, 30's and 40's. That the ions had to "precess" in some particular way. I did not completely disagree with his idea, only in the manner in which it was carried out. ... has described some of his work with Kenneth Shoulders that involved something I think were called "electron clusters" or something like that. He said they had experimented with high voltage discharges with cone or annular-shaped electrodes, wetted with water I think it was. I seem to recall his mentioning that when fired, these bundles of electrons would vaporize the material of any surface they impacted upon. But that was many years ago.
[Jack] Yes, but so what?
My idea was to combine both; a cone-shaped electrode and an annular-shaped one. I patterned my design, (or at least the one I supposed was utilized in the ARV) after what I had read in Nick Cook's volumn on "The Hunt for Zero Point", around page 192 (hardback edition). He described a secret project conducted by the Nazis near the end of World War II, called "The Bell". It used a solution of Mercury, Beryllium Peroxide and Thorium that was contained in two cylinders that spun in opposite directions. This was very similar to the description of a UFO propulsion system described to me by an individual back in 1989. In that instance, a Mercury-like metallic fluid was seen circulating upward inside a two to three foot diameter glass tube that ran from floor to ceiling in the propulsion system room. It rotated in one direction, while at its base, was a metallic disc rotated in the opposite direction. Around the edge of the pit in the floor that this device was standing in, one could look across at the material beneath the floor on the opposite side of this circular pit and see large copper-colored loops of wire embedded in a clear solid material. This sounded remarkably like what ...had described seeing at Skunkworks, and told to me by someone who knew nothing about
One witness claiming to be familiar with the process in the ... told me that the Beryllium Peroxide was used as a kind of "wetting agent" to keep the Mercury solution in contact with the electrodes in spite of the high-voltage discharges. ... suggested that the Thorium was used to reduce the "threshhold of emission" as the solution became ionized. I also thought it peculiar that the anode-cathode arrangement looked remarkably like the early X-ray machines and wondered if they played a role in the operation of the circuit.
[Jack] Very interesting, but I still do not see any warp drive like you witnessed with
zero g force from this.
In thinking of the system the UFO witness had seen and the German apparatus, it seemed obvious that the "solution" circulated down through the center of the column through the inner cylinder, spinning in one direction, while it also circulated back to the top between the inner cylinder and the outer cylinder which rotated in the opposite direction. With a few angled vanes placed at the top of this apparatus, where the inner and outer fluid sections crossed over, one could impart a swirling flow to the metallic liquid as it passed between the two electrodes. The cone-shaped anode being at the top center of the outer cylinder mounted under its "cap" and the annular cathode would be mounted into the opening of the inner cylinder. These vanes would look something like what one finds inside the torque converter of an automobile.
I imagined that a powerful discharge of electricity between a cone-shaped anode and an annular-shaped cathode, spinning in opposite directions in a highly pressurized solution of Mercury, Beryllium Peroxide and Thorium. The idea being that, upon firing a high voltage current between the spinning anode and cathode inside the rotating central column, with the solution circulating down through the center of one concentric tube, a burst of ions shaped like a torus would travel through the length of the inner cylinder. Because of the extreme pressure under which the solution was placed, the Mercury solution could never vaporize. Thus acting like what I had visualized as a "virtual plasma".
[Jack] Very imaginative, but I still don't get it. Again one needs a mathematical model
using mainstream physics.
Part of this action as I visualized it came from something I had observed while SCUBA diving. When properly executed, at depths of fifteen feet or more, one can take a deep breath of compressed air from the scuba second stage (mouthpiece) and upon removing it from your mouth, sputter a sudden burst of air from your mouth while looking straight up. It takes some practice, but if done properly, creates a perfect ring of compressed air that can be seen swirling in upon itself as it floats to the surface. The toroid shape expands as it floats upward, and the crossection of the torus of air thins out until the cohesive actions of the air and water cause it to break into a set of sausage link shapes, still swirling and still in a circular pattern as they move uniformly to the surface. I saw this kind of action occuring in the central column, inner cylinder, albeit moving in a downward direction.
[Jack] OK, but how does this apply to the machine?
In one of ...sketches that he did for ... when they met back in the early 1990's, ... indicated that there was a third electrode-like system inside the inner cylinder. This device actually looked more like a long, flexible, all-metal bottle brush, that spiralled down through the center of the inner cylinder. I suggest to you that this item is a "pickup" for the "cold current" produced from the precessing and rotating torus of ions that fires out of the annular cathode inside the inner cylinder.
I don't pretend to understand how all of this works, except that there are many overlapping aspects of this system. For example, the powerful electromagnetic field generated by the primary windings of the "Antenna Section" stroke vertically through the core of the central column. This may be significant in the dynamics of the "virtual plasma" generated in the burst of high voltage current between the anode and cathode, and reminded me of an anti-matter trap with the winding of the primary or secondary coils outside the chamber. Secondly, these same field lines created by the "Antenna Section" stroke horizontally through the length of the plates in the "Capacitor Section". This occurs during the charge and discharge phases of the circuit's operation. In essence, what I am suggesting is that just like in the anti-matter trap, the electrons held in potential in the dielectric and capacitor plates are alligned in "strands" that follow the field lines of the primary windings. At the moment of charge and discharge, this would create a sort of rudimentary "longitudinal wave" or "scalar wave" travelling the length of each capacitor section and within the same plain as the capacitor array. I am not sure what kind of effect this might produce, but I think it is a key point in understanding the dramatic acceleration and apparent loss of mass and inertia within the craft.
[Jack] Noether's theorem above kills all this - unless some kind of torsion field in
the fabric of space itself is generated.
I personally saw a craft of this type execute two right angle turns while covering nine miles of airspace in under a second and a half on December 13, 1989, just north of the Ontario International Airport over Rancho Cucamonga at about 11:44 PM on that date. It produced no sonic boom. I roughly calculated that the object, a brilliant, bluish-white sphere, had to been travelling upwards of 12 to 14,000 miles per hour. It was headed, just by coincidence, in the direction of Edwards AFB.
If I can clarify any of the above details, let me know....