Testing Einstein; XFEL Project; Electromagnetic Wormhole
Date: Sunday, October 14, 2007 @ 23:45:26 UTC Topic: Science
TESTING EINSTEIN: IS DARK ENERGY CONSTANT? Nearly a decade ago, astronomers discovered the surprising existence of dark energy-a mysterious force that pushes galaxies apart and accelerates the expansion of the universe. Also known as the energy density of the vacuum, dark energy is a property of space itself. Scientists have many questions about the nature of dark energy. One question that soon may be answered: Is the energy density of the vacuum constant over cosmic time?
Full story at http://www.physorg.com/news111333429.html
EUROPEAN XFEL PROJECT SHINES A NEW LIGHT FOR RESEARCH, October 11 A colossal project called XFEL located in Germany will allow the collective sciences gain understanding of solar cells, fuel cells and watch how atoms and molecules combine. Full story at http://www.physorg.com/news111337354.html
Not Just Science Fiction: 'Electromagnetic Wormhole' Possible, Say Mathematicians Science Daily —
The team of mathematicians that first created the mathematics behind
the "invisibility cloak" announced by physicists last October has now
shown that the same technology could be used to generate an
"electromagnetic wormhole."
Full story: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/10/071012160144.htm