February 27 2008 / by futuretalk
Category : Technology Year : 2008 Month : Feb
Time Travel could become reality sooner than you think.
By Dick Pelletier
At a UCLA workshop attended by yours truly and an assortment of future-thinkers, the late physicist Dr. Robert Forward told the group that further understanding of general relativity and quantum mechanics would one day enable humans to travel backwards and forwards through time. “Given the money and the mandate,” Forward said, “a time machine will be built.”
This workshop convened in 1983, and today, 24 years later,
scientists are bringing this bold concept closer to reality. Professor
Amos Ori at Technion-Israel Institute of Technology recently created a
theoretical model of a time machine based on Einstein’s theory of
relativity, which would allow people to travel back in time.
theory, published in the prestigious science journal Physical Review,
describes how a future time machine could be built by forming “closed
time-like curves” in a donut-shaped area of space-time. A person
traveling around this donut loop would go further back in time with
each lap.
Read More(Thanks Garry Voss - VossTech)