What said Dr. Eugene Mallove on Quantum Ring Theory
Date: Thursday, May 01, 2008 @ 23:13:00 UTC
Topic: Testimonials

In March 2004 Dr. Eugene Mallove suggested to W. Guglinski to put his articles in a book form.

The Managing Editor Christy Frazier sent to Guglinski an email saying the following:

Our editor suggests that since you have developed so many interesting, intriguing theories that you consider one of the following: publishing a book which melds the many theories together OR starting your own website, where you can post all of your papers for the public to see. IE would surely link from our site to yours, if you created one which had your many papers available.

I hope that our encouragement to publish the papers as a whole entity (and tied together coherently and neatly) is something you will consider. As I noted before, we woudl consider making copies and selling the product for you if you presented us with a clean, hard copy that has a good introduction which makes sense to the

Thank you.
Christy Frazier
Managing Editor
Infinite Energy Magazine

As Dr. Mallove died in May 2004, Guglinski started to look for another editor. In 2006 his book was published under the title Quantum Ring Theory by the Bäuu Press.

This article comes from ZPEnergy.com

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