What Bohr's successes represent for Physics
Date: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 @ 01:42:25 UTC

Nowadays the quantum theorists consider the Bohr’s successes as accidental, because they face the following dillema:

1- Bohr considered in his mathematical calculation that the electron is submitted to a centripetal acceleration in the instant when a photon is emitted by the atom. Therefore, according to the Bohr model, the centripetal acceleration on the electron plays a rule in his model of atom. And we realize that from Bohr’s theory the emission of photons is connected to the centripetal acceleration of the electron.

2- So Bohr model of atom is incompatible with the fundamental principles of Quantum Mechanics, because the centripetal acceleration cannot exist without a trajectory, and it’s well known that the concept of treajectory cannot exist in QM.

3- Therefore, in order to be 100% correct the hydrogen atom of Quantum Mechanics, it is required that Bohr’s model must be 100% wrong. Otherwise, if Bohr’s model has even a weak botton of truth (that is, if it is not 100% wrong), this imply that Quantum Mechanics is not 100% correct. And this is the reason why the quantum theorists claim that Bohr’s successes are accidental, which means that his model is 100% wrong.

But from the mathematical probability it makes no sense to consider the Bohr’s successes as accidental. Thereby something must be correct in his model, in spite of his theory is not correct. In another words, the mathematical probability shows us the electron is submitted to a centripetal force in the instant of photon emission, although we don’t know what such a fact means.

Theoretical implications of Bohr’s successes:

A serious physicist must realize that the hydrogen atom of Quantum Mechanics cannot be 100% correct, since such a fact is pointed out by the Bohr’s successes. And it means that something very fundamental is missing in Quantum Mechanics.

It’s unquestionable that a serious theorist must be agree that a new hydrogen atom must be found, in order to replace the hydrogen model of Quantum Mechanics.

And such new model must be able to fulfill the following fundamental premises:

a) It must be able to explain the Bohr successes, and why the electron is submitted to a centripetal force in the instant of a photon emission by the hydrogen atom.

b) As the centripetal force requires a corpuscular particle, the new hydrogen model must be formed by a corpuscular electron.

c) It must be able to explain why the hydrogen atom also behaves as the electron should be a wave-particle, as considered in Quantum Mechanics

d) From the items "b" and "c" above, obviously the new hydrogen model must be able to conciliate the Bohr theory with Quantum Mechanics.

These are the conclusions that a serious physicist cannot neglect.

The most theoretical physicists will continue breaking their heads, trying to find a solution for the crisis in Physics by keeping the prevailing attempt (trying to eliminate the inconsistencies of Quantum Mechanics by developing the Quantum Field Theory).

But sure that they will NEVER succeed in their attempt, and the reason is obvious: it’s impossible to eliminate the inconsistences of Quantum Mechanics by stating that the Bohr’s successes are accidental, as the theorists prefer to do.



See also:

Successes of the Bohr atom

Cold fusion, Don Borghi's Experiment, and hydrogen atom

This article comes from ZPEnergy.com

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