From: Christy Frazier (Infinite Energy) TO: W. Guglinski
Date: Friday, May 16, 2008 @ 01:45:55 UTC Topic: Science
From : Christy Frazier Sent : Friday, February 20, 2004 1:27 PM To : wladimirguglinski Subject : Status of Papers Submitted to Infinite Energy
Comments from the editor Dr. Eugene Mallove on each one, are as follows:
"Anomalous Mass of the Neutron" (MS #03-05) The editor feels that you have many important points to make in this paper, but is not comfortable with the use of the so many pieces of diverse evidence you suggest. The paper is essentially too esoteric and complex for our readership. He suggests that you submit the paper to the journal Physics Essays, but that the English translation should be improved.
Your paper, "Fundamental Requirements for the Proposal of a New Hydrogen Atom,"(Manuscript #03-06).
Our editor is aware of the possible implications presented for LENR and hydrino physics by this paper.
Report on Stern-Gerlach Experiment and the Helical Trajectory- (not by Eugene Mallove)
"The basic question here is can a classical model (which postulates a trajectory for the electron) cast any light on the inner workings of the nucleus? Most physicists would respond with a resounding NO. However, it generally happens that classical models have quantum analogs and thus can prove suggestive in at least a qualitative way. For instance, without the classical Hamiltonian energy expression there would be no clue to how to write the Schröedinger equation. And the classical energy expression would not exist without trajectory pictorialization. Therefore one cannot reject Guglinski's "helical trajectory" model (or similar models due to Bergman and others) out of hand as useless to physics. We don't know what the final physics will be, if any. Moreover, Guglinski's model may solve the problem of spin of the electron in the nucleus."