As energy bills soar, Japanese test fuel of future
Date: Sunday, June 08, 2008 @ 14:46:53 UTC
Topic: Devices

From News: This file picture dated April 2008 shows Japan's electronics giant Matsushita Electric Industrial's the new fuel cell cogeneration system for home use in Tokyo. As world oil prices skyrocket, thousands of households in energy-poor Japan are taking part in an ambitious experiment to use fuel cells to light and heat their homes.

Since the prime minister's official residence became the first house in the world to be equipped with a domestic fuel cell in 2005, about 3,000 households have signed up to have the grey boxes installed outside their homes.

The project aims to thrust Japan to the forefront of a "hydrogen society" that has kicked its addiction to fossil fuels and produces affordable energy while spewing out far less of the greenhouse gas that is blamed for global warming.

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