The common scientific armour against alternative energy
systems, if we take the energy from water concept, for that matter, is the
first law of thermodynamics (which leads to conservation of energy). It
says "The increase in the internal energy of a system is equal to the
amount of energy added by heating the system, minus the amount lost as a
result of the work done by the system on its surroundings". In layman
terms, it says energy cannot be created and input energy should be greater
than output considering all systems are less than 100% efficient.
The law is correct in its entirety, but in most cases this
is interpreted or looked at very poorly and the scientific community
grossly neglects the obvious. This law is applicable to closed systems
only. Before evaluating an energy system the first aspect to check is
whether it is open or closed. For any closed looped system, this law is
perfectly applicable and any such claims are bogus.
For the past few decades, Quantum Physics has come a long
way exactly predicting the laws of nature on micro scale (atoms, and
molecules). Quantum Electro Dynamics (QED) thus far is the flagship
component of all Quantum theory, which is widely accepted in all leading
universities around the globe and lead to the advancement of laser,
electronics, plasma research etc. According to QED, or general quantum
mechanics, the uncertainty at micro worlds dominates. If we take water,
H2O is an average phenomena, and there is no certain locations or bond
angles as to measure. A high voltage can easily "stress" covalent apparent
bonding of H2O; thus in theory it is possible to stress the polarized H2O
to a level which equalizes the bonding strength with only voltage (no
current or amperage).
This is an area where people have already researched in
the history, and also being heavily researched at this point in time. The
bond breakage can acutely happen, thus the dielectric characteristic of
water (distilled) suddenly diminishes (catastrophic dielectric failure)
which is a point where large amount of H2 and O2 exits. This is not
exactly Faraday electrolysis and the resultant gas quantities can well
exceed 300+ times more than Faraday’s expectations. An exotic observation
here is the gas is produced between the two electrodes (commonly stainless
steel plates) and not as expected at the electrodes.
About the recent water car from Genepax, Japan, we had the
exclusive opportunity to do some poking with the invention through our
fellow researcher in Tokyo. Their cell is up to the claims, but their
demonstration (car running in streets by Reuters) was not so genuine. It
was running on the batteries, thus the energy unit was just loaded doing
nothing significant. However, the water fuel cell truly produced 300W of
power consuming water. They use ruthenium, platinum and some corral sands
(probably to make the porosity of the membrane) in Membrane Electrode
Assembly (MEA). Researchers are currently studying their two filled
patents, which describes the catalytic disassociation of water.
Again, the same question - how this is possible within the
framework of first law of thermodynamics? QED theorizes, and now
practically proven that when we take out all heat out of a sealed vacuum,
approaching absolute zero (fractions of Kelvin above zero in practice),
considerable energy still prevails. This is called "Zero Point Energy".
Whatever we do, we cannot make electrons to stay still as predicted by
Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Electron’s positions can only predicted
as a probability.
In theory, if electrons are not in stationary places, it
is moving, and if electrons are moving there should be a kinetic energy
plus an electric field. This indeed is the zero point energy.
It is rather unscientific nowadays to reject any energy
system taking thermodynamics and conservation of energy as the shielding.
There are observations right before our eyes which can certainly describe
with QED or general quantum theory.
Or, perhaps, now with more advanced and well established
String Theory, the ambient is not what we see, but quite weird. Only if we
have an open mind to accept, it will begin to appear.
Kaveendra Vithana