Clean energy: Do we need an Apollo project for energy?
Date: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 @ 23:39:20 UTC
Topic: General

By Eve Savory, CBC News/ Depth/Energy

It will be interesting to see whether the news that — putting aside issues of inaccessibility, geopolitical disputes and environmental risk — the Arctic probably has 90 billion barrels worth of oil will cool the rhetoric of those yearning for a modern-day version of the Apollo project .

In the last few weeks, U.S. presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain, as well as former presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton and former U.S. vice-president Al Gore, have repeatedly invoked the spirit of John F. Kennedy, reminding Americans of one of their country's greatest achievements: the imprint of Neil Armstrong's moon boot on the Earth's dusty satellite.

But this evocation of the Apollo project, Kennedy's national effort to put a human on the moon, is not a call back to space, to another and greater race, perhaps for the stars, nor one to defeat a Cold War rival, but a race to replace what U.S. President George W. Bush has called "America's addiction": oil...

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