A new type of energy-source
Date: Monday, August 11, 2008 @ 21:11:02 UTC
Topic: Science

Author: Prof. Dr. Claus W. Turtur
University of Applied Sciences Braunschweig- Wolfenbüttel, GERMANY

This page gives access to some of my work on physics: The page contains articles to following subjects:

The first three articles describe a new type of energy-source:

- Conversion of Vacuum-energy into mechanical energy: Successful experimental Verification ( Published October 2007: This is a philosophical step which was developped on the way to the understanding of the vacuum-energy.)

- A Motor driven by Electrostatic Forces (Published February 2008: This is theoretical approach for the verification of the philosophical step from Oct. 2007.)

- Two Paradoxes of the Existence of electric Charge (Published April 2008: This is the experimental verification of the theory from Feb. 2008.)

- A magnetic rotor to convert vacuum-energy into mechanical energy (Published Mai 2008: This is an analogon to the electrostatic rotor, using magnetic fields.)

This new type of energy-source can be explained in short words as following:

Electrostaic charge can occur in monopole-order (other than sources of magnetic fields, for which the lowest multipole order is the dipol). Electric charges (monopoles) emanate electric field, which propagates into space with the speed of light. But from where does the charge get the field-energy ? There is no source of energy connected with the charge but the space, i.e. the vacuum. This means, that electric charge converts vacuum-energy into electric field energy. But during propagation the field gives its energy back to the vacuum. This sounds paradox (please see the first of the following articles). In this aspect, electrostatic energy and vacuum energy are in a permanent flow, being converted permanently into each other. The point is now, that a special type of electrostatic motor (described below) can extract some energy out of this flow. The theoretical fundamentals of this energy-conversion is developed in the second of the following articles. The fact, that this theoretical development is sensible is proven by an experiment, described in the third of the following articles. A fourth article is dedicated to the development a magnetic analogon, which considers the connection between vacuum-energy and the energy of the magnetic field.

Source: http://public.rz.fh-wolfenbuettel.de/%7Eturtur/physik/
(Via http://peswiki.com/energy/News)

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