Date: Thursday, February 26, 2009 @ 22:18:54 UTC Topic: Science
Anthony Craddock writes: New DVD in "Energy from the Vacuum"TM Series
The reflexive response from mainstream science about the possibility of
producing free energy from the vacuum is that it is not possible as this would
violate the second law of thermodynamics.
Over the last 20 years the
absolute status of the second law has come under increased scrutiny, more than
during any other period in its 180-year history. Since the early 1980's,
roughly 50 papers representing over 20 challenges have appeared in the refereed
scientific literature. In July 2002, the first conference on its status was
convened at the University of San Diego, attended by 120 researchers from 25
countries. In 2004, the mainstream scientific journal Entropy published
a special edition devoted to second law challenges. And, in July 2004, an echo
of the first conference was held in Prague, Czech Republic.
The breadth and depth of recent challenges are remarkable. They span three
orders of magnitude in temperature, twelve orders of magnitude in size; they
are manifest in condensed matter, plasma, gravitational, chemical, and
biological physics; they cross classical and quantum mechanical boundaries.
Several have strong corroborative experimental support, and laboratory tests
attempting bona fide violation are on the horizon. Considered en masse, the
second law's absolute status can no longer be taken for granted, nor can
challenge to it be casually dismissed.
In this 90 minute DVD, University
of San Diego physics professor Dr. Daniel Sheehan, who co-hosted the two
conferences, gives us a tour of the field as seen through the mainstream eyes of
an honest seeker of the truth. A dynamic, fascinating and entertaining speaker,
he shows that all is not well with the concept of the inviolability of the
second law.
The DVD can be ordered at
Craddock Web Administrator The Tom Bearden Website