BCS theory of superconductivity: the world's largest Madoff scheme?
Date: Monday, July 06, 2009 @ 20:45:30 UTC
Topic: Science

by J. E. Hirsch

The time-tested BCS theory of superconductivity is generally accepted to be the correct theory of conventional superconductivity by physicists and, by extension, by the world at large. In a different realm of human activity, until very recently Bernard Madoff's time-tested investment operation was generally accepted as true and legitimate in the financial world. Madoff's Ponzi scheme, where old investors were being paid off by funds contributed by new investors, was fundamentally flawed, yet was able to thrive for decades because of many vested interests. `Red flags' suggesting its illegitimacy were ignored. Here I suggest that the same is true of BCS theory. There are an increasing number of `red flags' that strongly suggest the possibility that BCS theory may be fundamentally flawed.

For example, an ever-growing number of superconductors are being classified as `unconventional', not described by the conventional BCS theory and each requiring a different physical mechanism. In addition, I argue that BCS theory is unable to explain the Meissner effect, $the$ most fundamental property of superconductors. There are several other phenomena in superconductors for which BCS theory provides no explanation, and BCS theory has proven unable to predict any new superconducting compounds. From one day to the next, Madoff's edifice came crashing down and a staggering 50 billion dollars evaporated, and I suggest that this may also be the fate of BCS theory. I outline an alternative theory to conventional BCS theory proposed to apply to all superconductors, `conventional' as well as `unconventional', that offers an explanation for the Meissner effect as well as for other puzzles and provides clear guidelines in the search for new high temperature superconductors.

Source: http://lanl.arxiv.org/abs/0901.4099v1
(Thx to Jack Sarfatti for the link)

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