I was a senior geophysicist for Esso, I was a leader in the coal
industry, but now, as a concerned physicist with a solution that the
Chief Scientist has in writing acknowledged as good science, I can get
no hearing from your team.
What if this is the only solution that ever comes along to create
100% clean and cheap energy? Do we apologize to the next generation, to
a million starving kids, do we say oops?
This has been so hard for me, 10 years without pay pursuing a
solution and then when I make a verifiable breakthrough no one in power
will listen!! Surely I can get a 5 minute hearing.
If you find my request to be in any way a con or a waste of time
then I promise by this open letter to donate $10,000 to a worthy
charity of the Goverments choice. P J hardcastle 8-9.09
Prime Minister, prior to the election I met the now leader of the
opposition, Malcolm Turnbull, and he gave me his direct email and said
“lets get this rolling”, then the Liberals lost and labour won, and I
thought, no problem Peter Garrett is a good man that cares about the
environment, but as I said at the start of this letter he refuses to
talk to me.
Again Prime Minister I ask, Please Please help!
Yours most Sincerely
Philip Hardcastle