On a Path to Unification of General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics
Date: Sunday, September 20, 2009 @ 21:50:52 UTC
Topic: Science

On a Path to Unification of General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, Mach Effect Propulsion and a Large Collection of Videos Explaining Physics

Paul March believes that the Quantum Vacuum Fluctuation / Magnetohydrodynamics of Harold White is the QM (Quantum mechanical) based version of Dr. Woodward’s M-E (Mach Effect) work.

Paul March comment: the GRT and QM worlds will ultimately be combined into a coherent “Quantum Gravity” theory that will better explain our current M-E experimental results and will lead the way to FTL interstellar flight.

The first nextbigfuture article on mach's effect propulsion which has an interview with Paul March

A second article with answers to various questions in comments on mach effect propulsion.

[below are links to 12 videos - about 20 hours - on General Relativity from Stanford, and other shorter videos on mach effect propulsion and six lecture videos on quantum mechanics - also from Stanford]

If the core team of ~5 people including Dr. Woodward could work full time on developing the M-E, we think we could have an R-C controlled M-E technology demonstrator that could move itself over an air hockey table, up and running within 2-to-3 years (for about $4 million in funding)...

Source: http://nextbigfuture.com/2009/09/path-unification-of-general-relativity.html

This article comes from ZPEnergy.com

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