original circuit and recent replications show "excess" energy
output: But it is important to note, that this is not what is termed
"energy creation"; but energy coming from a previously unknown
source in an "open system", not a closed one. Much as a
sailboat is powered by the "invisible" wind. Thus these claims
cannot be shrugged-off with the old epithet of "perpetual motion
nonsense"; which implies "energy created from nothing". One can
do a Search online at the Los Alamos National Labs Physics Archives
for the phrase "Zero Point Energy", and see literally hundreds of
entries for Abstracts and Peer-Reviewed Scientific Papers that
discuss the reality of energy coming from unseen sources that do not
adhere at all to the Laws of Thermodynamics (first written in the
1860's). It is important to note that despite the lack of general
public awareness regarding the above; these concepts are no longer
"Fringe Science". ...
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Rosemary Ainslie Circuit