Amazing answers Russians have given in a poll of All-Russia Public Opinion Research Centre (VCIOM). The poll was conducted on June 20-21, 2009, and covered 140 settlements with 1,600 participants. “Russian people considered to be most important, and what discoveries our fellow nationals were waiting for in the 21st century”, the Russian online Information Centre of Science and Education wrote.
People favoured renewable energies and alternative fuels (34% of respondents). Advanced space travelling technologies expected 14% of them. 11% surprisingly predict transportation means, which move with faster than light. Among other inventions, Russians expect invention of reading other people’s thoughts (7%) and teleportation (3%). Six per cent believe that perpetual motion machine (
perpetuum mobile = FREE energy technology) would be invented.
Forty four per cent of poll participants with higher education
expect invention of alternative fuel, but only 18% of those with primary
education think the same way. Basically the poll has shown that poll
participants with higher education did trust more in alternative physics
then primary educated people.
It would be very helpful
getting data’s from Asia, North America and Europe of similar polls to
get statistics of a ‘paradigm change in science’.
Full article see here:
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