Future Energy eNews /May 2010
Date: Monday, May 31, 2010 @ 23:21:53 UTC
Topic: General

Dear subscriber,

On this Memorial Day, as we remember our military service men and women, IRI is pleased to announce a collaboration for future energy developments that will help all sectors of society, including our Defense Department. This FE eNews serves as the IRI announcement of the Fourth International Conference on Future Energy (COFE4) to be held under the auspices of SPESIF-2011 (see #1 story) on March 15-17, 2011 at the University of Maryland in the Washington DC metro area. The exciting part of SPESIF is also to have five concurrent conferences all under the same roof, all focused on energy and propulsion.

Our second story (#2) announces a www.kickstarter.com campaign for a laudable future energy project called the "Ultimate Energy Showdown" produced and directed by filmmaker Chris Toussaint who I have known for years, ever since we worked on the "Free Energy: The Race to Zero Point" video back in the mid-1990's, produced and sold by www.LightworksAV.com . He already has found some amazing energy inventors, all of whom will be put to the test for ten days each, to prove the performance claims. Just like "The Biggest Loser", our country needs a TV show like Ultimate Energy Showdown to focus attention on how important an energy breakthrough will be for reducing the megaton weight of our carbon emissions. Emerging "green" and exotic technologies are here today. Technologies that if implemented would completely revolutionize our planet's power needs with a green industrial revolution. Your pledge of support at any level will help kick this project off of the starting gate. IRI is also able to accept tax-deductible donations earmarked for this project, according to IRS standards for nonprofits, with a small administrative fee. Watch the short intro video online to see what Ultimate Energy Showdown is all about. Lastly, the #3 story about the solar discovery by the U of CA at Berkeley is a true breakthrough. Their product converts 95% of the 85% of sunlight that it absorbs into electricity! We'll see if the inventor can be a speaker at COFE4. Sincerely,

Thomas Valone, President

Read the full Newsletter here: FUTURE ENERGY eNEWS

This article comes from ZPEnergy.com

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