"Cold Heat from Canada" - the latest EFV DVD
Date: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 @ 21:56:49 UTC

Anthony Craddock writes: In August 1968, Designex Inc., a leading aerospace design firm in Toronto, Canada, were powering the refrigerator, lights, radio and other appliances in their Merton Street offices with a device of their own design that was self powered by cold negative radiant energy.

Toronto Hydro, the local power company, sent a crew out, who removed all Toronto Hydro Power Meters, Fuse Boxes, and Wiring in an attempt to shut the power off.  They even cut down the concrete utility pole outside the building, and removed it on a flat-bed truck.  To no avail.  The power from the device continued to flow.

This latest DVD in the "Energy from the Vacuum" Science Series, features a wide-ranging 1973 Interview about this Zero Fuel Engine System with the late Ieuan Thomas, Designex's Chief Engineer.

Available exclusively from "The Tom Bearden Website" Online Store at http://www.cheniere.org/sales/online-store.htm


Tony Craddock
Web Administrator
The Tom Bearden Website

This article comes from ZPEnergy.com

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