Date: Saturday, August 07, 2010 @ 16:50:41 UTC Topic: General
In This Issue:
1) New Proton Measurement Throws Physics a Curve
2) Molten Metal Batteries Yield 20 times More Current
3) The Flying Prius
4) Clean Energy 101
5) COFE4 - SPESIF Call for Papers
Dear Subscriber,
We would like to invite everyone to participate in our IRI COFE 2011 joint SPESIF conference. IRI has asked for IEEE sponsorship, in addition to the AIAA, AAS, and ARI participation. We emphasize what a great opportunity exists for those inventors who would like a chance to put their invention on paper in a peer-reviewed publication. This last Call for Papers for the joint conference of SPESIF is featured in the #5 slot of this FE eNews. Please send in just your abstract by August 15 (and mention COFE4 session) in the areas of energy, propulsion, or bioenergetics for acceptance. (I'm the Chair of the COFE session and I welcome revolutionary energy, propulsion and bioenergetics invention papers.)
about physics, the size of the proton revision (#1 story) and the
discovery of liquid metal batteries suggest (#2 story) by MIT Prof.
Sadoway offers higher energy density (megawatt) than lithium. Hopefully,
with the $7 million DOE money, the Sadoway battery will reach the
electric car market soon and the onsite power generation market as well. Following
on the heels of a new high density battery is the anticipated "Flying
Prius" (#3 story) at twice the speed of conventional airliners, which
seems a lot more credible with a better design for a hybrid engine. End Note: The
worst monsoons in recorded history just hit Pakistan and the worst heat
wave in Russia is also now causing wildfires in Moscow. IRI
uploaded the following explanation to the Washington Post website,
7/29/10 --Years ago the IPCC posted a summary of the expected effects of
global climate change which they called "thermal forcing". In a systems
approach to the problem, their most memorable prediction was that our
climate will experience "greater oscillations" that will "exceed the end
points" (meaning the highest and lowest temperatures and precipitation
and wind speeds we are used to), as the climate seeks a new equilibrium
point. The base mechanism of rapid temperature (7F or 4C) and sea level
(tens of meters) rise is now being forced until we actually lower the
global CO2 level below the baseline of 290 ppm, which has been the MAXIMUM CO2 level ever reached for the past 400,000 years (see the annotated climate graph on our homepage thanks to Dr. Jim Hansen) on our planet. However, CO2 is now pushing 390 ppm and climbing. Plankton restoration to the oceans is a quick, short-term fix until we supplant all fossil fuel usage with clean energy. For more info, buy "Storms of My Grandchildren" by Jim Hansen, the most courageous climatologist in the world. Thomas Valone, PhD, PE Editor www.IntegrityResearchInstitute.org