Combining best of competing theories
Date: Monday, August 23, 2010 @ 10:02:16 UTC
Topic: Science

Cold Fusion is an inappropriate term, as accurately described by Steven Krivit in a recent article “ Cold Fusion is Neither” cold or fusion.  He provides  the background history and ongoing research before throwing his support solely behind the Widom Larsen theory (2006). I also believe the Widom Larsen theory has strong merit but not to the exclusion of other theories or a likely combination of processes based on these other theories. Mills has evidence of excess heat based on chemistry, The Haisch - Moddel patent is based on Casimir effect, Pam Mosier-Boss at SPAWAR provides evidence for Low energy nuclear reactions and Jan Naudt’s proposal of a relativistic environment for hydrogen.

There is no reason to think these related phenomena are all exclusive and the difficulty in matching data to theory up to this point may be due to contributions and interactions between these different processes. The environment is certainly unique but that does not limit the methods to exploit it.

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