Two New Periodic Tables of Elements
Date: Monday, October 04, 2010 @ 21:40:29 UTC
Topic: Science

Quantum AetherDynamics Institute has released two new periodic tables of the elements. Science author, David Thomson, has been looking for equations to quantify both the electron and nuclear structures of atoms. To this end, he produced the Vajra Periodic Table and the Pauling Spheron Periodic Table.

Credit is given to Fernando Dufour, who originally reorganized the electron periodic table into a 3D model. Thomson split the Dufour pyramid structure into two opposing structures which seem to better define the electron structure around atoms. The resulting design looks similar to the ancient Vajra symbol.

Vajra Periodic Table 

Thomson's second periodic table represents the spin geometry of the nucleus. Linus Pauling provided this layout of spin geometry more than forty years ago, but nobody seems to have paid any attention. According to Thomson, "The geometry of the nucleus is completely different from the geometry of the electron structure, which is why two different periodic tables are needed." The Pauling Spheron Periodic Table agrees with the known "magic numbers" of nuclear analysis. All the magic numbers belong to the mantle "a" series elements, as presented by Linus Pauling.

Linus Pauling Periodic Table

Further information about both periodic tables and how to order full-sized wall posters is available at

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