A new Mechanical Antigravity concept
Date: Saturday, November 13, 2010 @ 21:43:29 UTC
Topic: Devices

A new scientific paper about a novel anti-gravity device needs to be understood and commented.

A recent peer-reviewed paper by Prof.C.Provatidis claims to have developed a new mechanical anti-gravity device capable of producing net impulse (thrust) using rotating masses. It is an open-access paper entitled: C. G. Provatidis, A device that can produce net impulse using rotating masses, Engineering, Vol. 2, Number 8 (Aug. 2010), pp. 648-657, which can be downloded from: http://www.scirp.org/journal/eng/

I encourage the members of this site to have a look and probably express their impression and comments.

Moreover, I see that the paper continues previous research, i.e. a patent application in 2008, one Conference paper in 2009, and two Conference presentations in April and July 2010.

A good friend informed me that, as an exception, author's talk in Nashville (26th July 2010) was fully recorded in a videotape by Conference staff. It is worth-mentioning that the Conference used about 22 parallel sessions, with approx. 20 listeners per session. In this particular talk, there were 70 sitting persons plus over over 20 standing people up to the room door.

The author has also published a peer-reviewed paper in the Russian Journal, which can be downloaded from: Theory of Mechanisms and Machines, 2010, Vol.8, Iss.1, pp. 34-41; direct link: http://tmm.spbstu.ru/15/Provatidis_15.pdf

This article comes from ZPEnergy.com

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