Radioactive decay, Tesla was right again
Date: Sunday, May 01, 2011 @ 09:50:12 UTC
Topic: Science

The sun influences the decay of radioactive elements:

Apparently the sun emmits rays or unknown particles that stimulate radioactive decay on earth. It was suggested by Nikola Tesla that radioactive decay is triggered by rays.

Since neutrinos hardly interact with matter, the rays are an unknown type of messenger particles (maybe charged aether particles as light as neutrinos);  and the solar influence on the radioactive decay rate is not photonic either.

There are three reasons that suggest there are very light electrically charged aether particles (aether plasma model):

1- Maxwell's displacement current  (is some sort of space current)

2- TEM waves can be curved and can have variable speed in vacuum by gravity, see Dayton Miller's test results  (which means epsilon_0  is not constant in vacuum and this is equivalent with gravity.  This means vacuum consists of small charged particles with variable density,  the aether plasma so to speak).

3- the wave nature of "elementary" charged particles, like electrons, suggest that one particle-wave consists of many many much smaller particles with small electric charge (enabling intrinsic potential energy of the particle-wave, a suggestion that has been dismissed by mainstream science without  reason).

So it might be like this:  the sun emits charged aether particles that interact with earth matter, including radioactive elements.

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