Vacuum-Energy audio(video) book
Date: Monday, June 20, 2011 @ 21:24:44 UTC
Topic: Science

Dear Friends,

I just now made an audio/video-book for zero-point energy of the quantum vacuum. Here are three parts of a YouTube-video, with explanation about Free Energy:

Part 1: Basics, as generally known in Science    (about 20 Minutes)

Part 2: Fundamental scientific proof for the usablility of the Zero-point Energy of the quantum-vacuum     (about 30 Minutes)

Part 3: Construction of a powerful vacuum-energy motor for the free energy-supply of everybody.     (about 60 Minutes)

For all, who want to read text in a quiet mood and to see the pictures with high resolution: Here is the PDF     (about 2.2 MegaBytes)


With best regards from

Claus Turtur

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