by Mats Lewan/NyTeknik: UPDATED. Half a megawatt thermal power in self sustained mode, for over five hours. That’s what Andrea Rossi obtained with his E-cat plant on Friday, according to his customer. The question now is who the customer was.
At about quarter past ten on Friday October 28, the test of Andrea Rossi’s heat plant, potentially producing one megawatt, was initiated in an industrial hangar in Bologna.
According to the customer’s controller, Domenico
Fioravanti, the plant released 2,635 kWh during five and a half hours of
self sustained mode, which is equivalent to an average power of 479
kilowatts – just under half the promised power of one megawatt.
Rossi explained this with the customer’s priority to achieve self
sustained mode, which supposedly makes the process more difficult to
control than when electrical power is supplied to support the reaction.
“We had to decrease the power during self sustained mode as the temperature rose too much”, Rossi said after the test.
Neither Ny Teknik nor any other of the guests had
any possibility to check the measurements made. The invitees could only
observe the plant in operation for a few brief moments.
Assuming that the report is correct (the report can be downloaded hear, the temperature data here),
a substantial amount of energy was released, which is difficult to
explain by anything other than heat being developed inside the E-cat,
even if you subtract the power input during pre-heating...
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