“I dont make conjectures”, said Newton.
This is the motto of science, and the physicists follow this slogan.
It was possible for Newton do not make conjectures. Because for the discoveries of the macroscopic world, made by Newton, there was no need to make conjectures. Because he was able to test, with experiments, any conjecture before to propose it in books. In another words, Newton was able to test the conjectures.
Today the physicists follow Newton slogan, and they developed
Quantum Mechanics without conjectures. Such procedure was imposed by
Heisenberg. For instance, the helical trajectory (zitterbewegung) should
be a conjecture capable to give a different intepretation for the
duality wave-particle, proposed by de Broglie (he proposed that matter
has the property of duality). If we interpret that duality is caused by
the helical trajectory, there is no need to consider that matter is
wave-particle, as de Broglie proposed.
Schrödinger tried to give
another interpretation for the duality, by considering the helical
trajectory. Heisenberg did not accept that conjecture. And Schrödinger
lost the dispute: the conjecture of helical trajectory was not accepted
in Physics.
If Schrödinger should have won the dispute, today we would have a New Physics, different of present Quantum Mechanics.
The duel Heisenberg vs Schrödinger is described in my book The Missed U-Turn, the duel Heisenberg versus Schrödinger – from Newton to Rossi’s eCat”, to be published in London in 2012.
first man to violate the Newton’s slogan was Einstein. He realized that
it was impossible to explain the results of Michelson-Morley experiment
without conjectures. So, he asked forgiveness to Newton, and did
conjectures. That’s why he replaced the Euclidian space considered by
Newton, and proposed the space-time adopted in the Relativity.
So, the question: what would have happened if Einstein had not existed?
then the Relativity would not exist in the present days. But of course
the physicists would have developed an alternative theory, similar to
what they did in the case of Quantum Mechanics.
The alternative
theory (which would exist if Einstein should not have made the
conjectures addopted in the Relativity) would have to be developed by
considering the mathematics only, as was made in the case of Quantum
Happily, Einstein proposed an experiment so
that to test his conjecture. And the experiment showed that his
conjecture was right: the space has a curvature about the Sun, the space
is not Euclidian.
But the challenge faced by Einstein was
easier than to make conjectures in the micro-world. In the begginning
of the development of Quantum Mechanics the physicists tried to make
some conjectures, by addopting physical models. But they discovered that
it was impossible (with the knowledge available at that time) to
discover physical models for the atom. That’s why they gave up, and
developed Quantum Mechanics without conjectures. Such procedure is known
as the method of simplicity, adopted in science.
suppose that the space has dilation/contraction into the electrosphere
of the atoms, similar to the contraction/expansion adopted by Einstein
in the case of the Relativity, which he named space-time.
Well, in
this case Quantum Mechanics cannot be entirelly correct, because the
conjecture of space dilation within the electrosphere was not considered
in the development of the theory. In another words, that would mean
that Quantum Mechanics is incomplete. In spite of it works well, and it
gives good predictions (because it is possible to develop a theory by
considering only the mathematics, by neglecting some fundamental laws
that do not work in the level in which Quantum Mechanics was developed).
Sure such theory will work until a certain level only.
probably it will fail in a deeper level (that’s why Quantum Mechanics
cannot explain cold fusion, because it is a phenomenon which occurs in a
deeper level which requires news laws not considered in Quantum
And suppose that within the atom, within the
nucleus (and within the elementary particles in general) there are
physical phenomena not considered in Quantum Mechanics.
Well, then the theory will be further away from the true reality that exists in nature.
theory will not be able to explain phenomena that occur in a deeper
level than that considered for the development of Quantum Mechanics, as
occurs in Rossi’s cold fusion experiment.
This is the
situation today. Rossi’s cold fusion is suggesting that Quantum
Mechanics is incomplete. Probably there are mechanisms existing within
the atom, within the nucleus, within the elementary particles, and those
mechanisms are not considered in Quantum Mechanics.
There is need to make conjectures, as Einstein did when he faced the crisis opened by the Michelson-Morley experiment.
crisis today is opened by two experiments: the LHC experiments, which
did not detected the particles predicted by Supersymmetry and neither
the boson of Higgs, and the cold fusion Rossi’s experiment.
there is a crisis, like there was a crisis when Einstein faced the
puzzle of Michelson-Morley experiment. And in that age, like happens
today, the community of physicists tried do not accept Einstein’s
conjectures. They simply ignored the Michelson-Morley experiment, as
they try today to ignore Rossi’s eCat. In the end of the 19th Century
they simply believed that a New Physics was not necessary, because
conjectures was not accepted.
Einstein showed the most physicists
were wrong. He proposed a New Physics, developed by conjectures, and it
was confirmed by experiments.
Today the experiments in the
LHC and the Rossi’s experiments are pointing out that there is need to
introduce conjectures in Physics.
There is need a New Physics, as there was need in the end of the 19th Century.
The question is: what are the conjectures to be tested by experiments ?
Quantum Ring Theory proposes many conjectures. They must be tested, as Einstein theory was tested in 1919.
the experiments confirm only 10% of the conjectures proposed in Quantum
Ring Theory, we will have one of the most greatest revolutions of
Theoretical Physics.