Proposed variation to Faraday’s Lines of Force in JNP of Andrea Rossi
Date: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 @ 20:36:03 GMT
Topic: Science

The theory, proposed by Rosemary Ainslie, Donovan Martin, Evan Robinson, Mario Human, Alan Macey, Riaan Theron, was published in the Rossi's Journal of Nuclear Physics:

I wrote a comment on the theory in Rossi's journal, as follows:

Dear Rosemary Ainslie

the theory you are proposing is similar to what is proposed in the article Ether published in my book Quantum Ring Theory, but I think your theory needs some improvements.

For instance, I cannnot see how from the magnetic dipoles shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 of your article it is possible to be formed a macroscopic magnetic field of that loadstone (a macroscopic field with two poles N and S).

In my model, instead of a magnetic dipole, the phenomenon occurs thanks to magnetic monopoles, created by the electric particles of the ether.
It occurs according to the steps ahead ( see pages 181 and 182 of my book QRT):

PAGE 181:

PAGE 182:

STEP 1- the orbits of the electrons of atoms of the magnetized iron induce a flux of gravitons n(o) – see Fig. 2.2 of the page 181. As the orbit of electrons are aligned in the loadstone, all the flux of gravitons will be alligned too.

STEP 2- each flux of gravitons captures electric particles of the ether – see Fig. 2.3 of page 181

STEP 3- the electric particles of the ether capture magnetic particles, which form the micro-magnetic monopole fields – see Fig. 3.3 and 3.4 of page 182

STEP 4- the micro-magnetic monopoles capture magnetic particles of the ether, and they form the macro-magnetic field with poles N and S in each end of the loadstone.

See also my article in Peswiki:
Magnetic monopole – new experiment corroborates Quantum Ring Theory:

I think you are in the right way. However it’s my oppinion that your model is incomplete


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