Via ... Already
in the 19th. Century, Michael Faraday made some remarkable but little
known discoveries in regard to spinning magnets. Faradays discovery was
simple, but totally revolutionary. If a bar magnet is set spinning, the
differential in velocity, down the radius, of each turning magnetic
element, sets up a magnetic vortex. This effect is more pronounced with a
series of bar magnets radiating from a central spinning hub, or a
spinning, magnetic disc.
At a certain threshold of angular velocity, the magnetic vortex sets
up an inter-dimensional energy portal through a vortex resonance.
This simple arrangement is the operating principle of most "free energy" machines.
In the 20th. Century a number of inventors, including Bruce de Palma
and Adam Trombly, had worked with N-machines or Uni-polar generators.
In the early 1930’s in Austria, Victor Schauberger, e.g. fabricated
conical pipes of special materials, which contained a corkscrew turbine.
Operated by an electric motor, the spiral turbines screwed water into a
vortex flow and directed the water onto a conventional water turbine
coupled to a generator.
Schauberger claimed, that as the water was screwed faster and faster,
it suddenly began to produce enormous amounts of energy. Coupled to a
dynamo, the turbine began to produce more electricity than the input
motor was consuming. The system quickly went out of control as the
apparatus tore itself away from its mountings and smashed itself against
the ceiling.
When Schauberger experimented with air turbines, he found the same thing
happened. Regardless of the medium, vortex motion seemed to generate
energy, apparently out of nowhere, and also produced a powerful
anti-gravity force.
It was about Bell's theorem from 1964. He proved, that the results
predicted by quantum mechanics could not be explained by any theory,
which preserved locality.
It was a severe blow to the basic of science and Einstein's principle
of Relativity since Bell demonstrated, that on the quantum level
locality does not exist. Either particles are aware of each another
beyond the speed of light, or they are connected beyond the local event
in the huge space.
Of cause a lots of experiments in the late twentieth Century were
done by experimental physicists, and the predictions of quantum
mechanics proved to be accurate.
Though I am not a physicist I can see the significance of the under
laying reality in some way is connected beyond our physical world in a
higher dimensional space.
Science has not yet been able to tap into zero-point-energy. Some
pioneers has however made experiments with vortex energy, that produced
uncontrolled energy release way over the amount of the energy input.
This is a violation of the known law of energy equilibrium.
is odd, that no prestige or money has been granted to further
explorations. On the contrary, the pioneers was prosecuted and their
labs was destroyed. (Thanks to Norm Wootan for the Thrive Vortex link below. - JWD)