Thomas Valone (IRI) writes: Greetings!
It has been an exciting month for us since I
flew out to Boulder CO (see Story #1) to present at the Global
Breakthrough Energy Movement conference for the first time. The
organizers were dedicated to facilitating the promotion of "free
energy" with as much scientific information as possible. Even Professor Garret Moddel from
the University of Colorado gratiously presented his views on "quantum
engineering device technology" and Russ Gries appeared in
person to promote his replication of a single-piston Papp
engine exploding repeatedly with a noble gas mixture.
particularly singled out Gries to ask him to create a four-cylinder model of
the Papp engine with a camshaft. He is interested in accomplishing this task
since his single piston and Bob Rohner's single piston both demonstrate a proof
of principle (see my COFE6 presentation
for more info). Other energy device-oriented presentations besides mine
included Mark LeClair from
NanoSpire, Inc. who has a robust cavitation fusion experiment, Mark
Dansie, Russ Anderson, Moray King, Ruby Carat, Foster Gamble and late addition
"Robert". Many of the presentations are preserved on the Global BEM website as
LiveStream videos and also on an independent
website as noted in the first story.
second Story (#2) is a human interest story centered on the Power Africa
Initiative to respond to the need for solar-powered electricity in
a continent swimming in abundant power from the sun
look forward to the networking and volunteerism that will make our solution to
providing night lights to as many of the 20 million who do not have electrical
lighting in their homes in Africa. The picture from space proves how much Energy
Poverty exists in Africa. We believe that an inexpensive LED array
that is solar-recharged will help to fill that gap with a one-time investment
that will payback for years. Donations to the IRI Power Africa Homes Light
Project are invited.
On a
similar note, why not go big with a large solar array in space? Story #3 shows
how the Japanese are moving ahead of the rest of the world to be the first to
start using Space Solar Power. Why bother you say? Besides the lack
of CO2 emissions, the big advantage is that in space, the sun is TEN TIMES more
powerful! That's 1 kW per square meter instead of a puny 100W per meter squared
on the earth. The Japanese Space Agency (JAXA) has a nice 7-minute
summary of the proposed Space Solar
Power System that is quite convincing and educational. Maybe
the US will join in someday soon instead of fracking fossil fuel near
underground water.
#4 tells of a new company called ClearSign that
uses electric fields to improve combustion. This reminds me of a Plasmatron
developed at MIT that was supposed to go on the carburetor with applied high
voltage electric fields. Perhaps the theory involves a similar ionization or
plasma in addition to flame-shaping but the important result is an improved
combustion efficiency.
but not least, Story #5 is one that I have wanted to include for a while but
now that an hour-long movie has been released, it is a great opportunity to
share this simple invention for getting back to nature with "earthing"
or grounding. Walk barefoot on the ground when you can but now
we can be grounded each night while we sleep with a simple conductive sheet or
make-it-yourself screen under the sheet that is grounded. The benefits are
two-fold: (1) lowering the overall positive voltage of the body including all
of the electropollution that the body attracts, and (2) attracting negative
electrons from the ground into the body which IRI has proven to be the active
ingredient of antioxidants. I recommend the 16-minute YouTube
introduction which demonstrates the efficacy of the how-to make
your own earthing sheet. It is guaranteed to provide more restful and
peaceful sleep experience through a revival of ancient,
natural electrotherapy.
Thomas Valone, PhD, PE.
Source: Future Energy eNews - October 2013