Fusion Energy - Multiphase Resonator
Date: Thursday, June 05, 2014 @ 00:04:50 UTC Topic: Devices
Hi Vlad,
the fusion reactor concept was improved now including a multiphase resonator for acceleration of neutral-plasma.
Please, feel free to criticize it. [Moacir L Ferreira Jr]
Conceptually, it has been redesigned to be the most energy-efficient
fusion reactor ever. Effectively, a clean, safe, dense and
environmentally friendly power source to supply the world's energy
needs, with no greenhouse gases, no long-term radioactive waste, low
thermal waste, no large land areas, no environmental impact, no
interruptions by the weather or time of day, no nuclear meltdowns and no
proliferation. It is to be the ultimate energy source, an affordable
answer to the world's energy problems; the right path to a more
sustainable, peaceful and prosperous future for our planet.
Potentially, now fully based on phased standing waves, the CrossFire
Fusion Reactor can produce directly and efficiently an enormous quantity
of electricity with less cooling water than conventional thermal power
stations, releasing only the non-radioactive, non-corrosive, inert, and
safe helium-4 gas.
Hi Moacir, you're posting news here for at least 5 years about improvements on your reactor concept, and your videos and presentations become better and better as well. Unfortunately, I do not see anything else happening; even criticism, you always invite for, is absent. Have you checked with General Fusion people (my neighbors) for a a real, qualified feedback on your proposal? [Vlad]