Cold Fusion 101 at MIT ... and more
Date: Tuesday, January 20, 2015 @ 00:38:54 UTC Topic: Science
1) A traditional Cold Fusion teaching event
Tomorrow it starts, a very important, very LENR traditional event: Cold Fusion 101 at MIT for 2015: Introduction to excess power in Fleischmann-Pons experiments. A very rich, interesting program presenting the process that gave us the certainty of existence of cold fusion-excess heat:
"The Cold Fusion 101: Introduction to Excess Power in Fleischmann-Pons Experiments course will run again on the campus of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) over the IAP winter break Tuesday through Friday Jan. 20-23, 2015. Professor Peter Hagelstein of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT, and Dr. Mitchell Swartz of JET Energy, Inc., will present the course with topics such as:
Excess power production in the Fleischmann-Pons experiment; lack of confirmation in early negative experiments; theoretical problems and Huizenga’s three miracles; physical chemistry of PdD; electrochemistry of PdD; loading requirements on excess power production; the nuclear ash problem and He-4 observations; approaches to theory; screening in PdD; PdD as an energetic particle detector; constraints on the alpha energy from experiment; overview of theoretical approaches; coherent energy exchange between mismatched quantum systems; coherent x-rays in the Karabut experiment and interpretation; excess power in the NiH system; Piantelli experiment; prospects for a new small scale clean nuclear energy technology."
Only the technology purists could nit-pick saying the last 10 words are not as true and valuable as the rest.
2) Toward a technological future of LENR
How a technology develops: ...
Read the full article: http://egooutpeters.blogspot.ro/2015/01/info-and-starting-lenr-babel-collection.html