Gyroscopic Force is Caused by Interaction with the Aether
Date: Saturday, January 24, 2015 @ 12:18:36 UTC
Topic: Devices

When we subject a spinning gyroscope to a forced precession, we feel a distinct reactance which is angular momentum dependent, and which exceeds in magnitude any kind of reactance that we might expect from the moment of inertia alone. It has a feeling that is not unlike the feeling of magnetic repulsion. Moment of inertia is dependent only on the inertial mass and the geometry of a body and not upon angular momentum, and most people would agree that it doesn't feel anything like the much stronger gyroscopic spin-induced reactance. The existence of the latter as a distinct concept however goes unrecognized in mainstream classical mechanics. To recognize it would open up a search for the physical cause, and that physical cause would likely constitute an unpalatable truth.

It is argued in how the physical cause of spin-induced reactance is similar in principle to the physical cause of electromagnetic reactance, and that in both cases the cause lies in a very real background medium that serves as the medium for the propagation of light. It is argued that both spin-induced reactance and the spin-induced force that enables a spinning gyroscope to defy gravity, is caused by a convective interaction between the molecules of the gyroscope and the medium for the propagation of light. The force that keeps a bar magnet aligned in a magnetic field has similar origins to the force that causes a spinning gyroscope to maintain its alignment in space.

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