The amazing promise of nothing
Date: Monday, June 01, 2015 @ 23:05:12 UTC
Topic: Science

Nassim Haramein: "Of course a fundamental change in our understanding of the structure of spacetime at the quantum scale and the identification of the vacuum fluctuations being the source of gravitation, mass, and charge will have a profound impact on technological developments of the future. One can certainly imagine systems that, in a laboratory setting, would create co-moving coherent spinning regions of the Planck vacuum fluctuations and as a result create a depression or curvature in the structure of space to obtain gravitational control, the extraction of significant amounts of energy, and even the possibility of matter creation directly out of the vacuum."

One of the amazing results of Unified Physics is the resolution of previously seemingly enigmatic properties and behaviors within the quantum domain (loosely speaking, a domain that was considered to dominate at the atomic scale and smaller). In the article review Quantum Weirdness Replaced by Classical Fluid Dynamics, we examine just such a result as many of the previously unexplained, or weird properties of quantum mechanical systems, such as so called superposition, wave-particle duality, single-particle diffraction, tunneling, quantized orbits and orbital level splitting; are all demonstrated by a simple, yet ingenious experiment that is performed in a macroscopic (observable) system...

"— At the extremes of physical processes, where the rules that govern our everyday world seem to bend to the breaking point, we find innovative theories and novel solutions, such as Haramein’s geometric holographic solution, that emerge from the crucible of these seemingly irreconcilable paradoxes. And while understanding the structure and dynamics of our Universe is a worthy pursuit in and of itself, these fundamental theories have always been the foundation of technological advancements, which benefits everyone and our global civilization as a whole." –William Brown

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