C&En News Fails to Address Errors in Reporter’s “Cold Fusion" article
Date: Friday, December 02, 2016 @ 15:12:45 UTC
Topic: General

By Steven B. Krivit (New Energy Times): On Nov. 7, 2016, Chemical & Engineering News, the magazine of the American Chemical Society, published a deeply flawed cover story by Stephen Ritter about low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR). The article contained four major errors.

The same day, I sent a letter to Bibiana Campos-Seijo, the editor-in-chief of C&EN. The magazine’s word-count limitation policy on letters to the editor permitted me to address only one error. Campos-Seijo published my letter on Nov. 28.

I have known Stephen Ritter for a decade. He has repeatedly failed to distinguish between “cold fusion,” the erroneous idea that deuterium nuclei can overcome the Coulomb barrier at room temperature, and LENRs, which do not make such a presumption. I explained the terminology problem to Ritter in 2012.

In August 2016, I sent him an advance copy of my book Hacking the Atom. In September, soon after I told him that it was on sale, Ritter told me that he was writing a new article on LENR. Given what he wrote in C&EN, Ritter apparently read nothing in the book and missed its most important points.

Four days after his Nov. 7 article published, I began asking Ritter questions about his sources and his data. In the course of 10 e-mails between us, I explained to Ritter that his facts seemed very wrong, and I told him I would provide him with corrections. On Nov. 15, on New Energy Times, I published “Correcting the LENR Record (Chemical & Engineering News),” addressing the other three errors:...

Full article: http://news.newenergytimes.net/2016/12/02/chemical-engineering-news-fails-to-address-errors-in-reporters-cold-fusion-article/

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