VOLATILE VACUUMS (25 years ago)
Date: Sunday, December 11, 2016 @ 00:26:55 UTC
Topic: Science

Published in omni magazine (Feb 1991) by Owen Davies: Probing the boundaries of physics, a trio of mavericks is tapping the hotbed of force found in a vacuum

Imagine a world in which endless, non-polluting, and virtually free energy powers our cities, cars, and homes. Envision laptop computers more powerful than today's largest, most sophisticated mainframes, and tiny X-ray machines that cam enter the body and kill tumors without harming surrounding cells.

All this and more may be possible within the next ten years, according to physicist Hal Puthoff, currently with the Institute for Advanced studies at Austin, Texas. The source of these marvels? Something Puthoff calls zero point energy--the abundant power that he says can be found in the vacuum of space. Puthoff's articles on the subject have been published in the prestigious Physical Review. And he has attracted heavy-hitting business associates, including Ken Shoulders, the man credited with developing much of the technology for microcircuits, as well as super-rich Texas entrepreneur Bill Church. Rumor has it that their new company, Jupiter Technology, may soon try to manufacture zero point energy machines. There's more: Zero point energy could be the Rosetta stone of physics, explaining everything from gravity to atoms, the origin of the cosmos itself.

In a sense, Puthoff's search for order in the universe started 20 years ago, when he was a freshly minted Ph.D. from Stanford University. One day, the physicist now explains, he was thinking about tachyons, hypothetical particles that appear to travel backward in time. If the particles existed, he reasoned, they might be the "missing link" that allowed psychics--if they were not frauds--to intuit events at distant locations or future times. Puthoff sought funding to study the problem and wound up as head of a new parapsychology research program at the Stanford Research Institute, now known as SRI international. Studying telekinesis and ESP was intriguing, Puthoff says. Yet in 1985, after 13 years at SRI, Puthoff was ready to make a change.

Enter Bill Church. An ex-math major from the University of Texas, Church dropped out of college when his father died. By the mid-Eighties, the trim, personable entrepreneur had made millions with a regional chain of fried-chicken restaurants. Eager for new challenges the energetic Church vowed to spend his wealth promoting the kind of high-risk, potentially high-payoff research that government and corporate bureaucrats were too unimaginative to fund.

To that end he founded the Institute for Advanced Studies, Housed in a two-room office in a new building along the Capital of Texas Highway in Austin. Then he lured Puthoff, also a respected laser scientist, away from SRI. Soon after Puthoff arrived in Austin, he and Church recruited a third member to their team: star inventor and electronics genius Ken shoulders. A born tinkerer, Shoulders wanted a new research project, something that would probe the unknown regions at the boarder of physics and electronics, where strange and wondrous discoveries might yet be made. He also needed some funding. Puthoff and Church, on the other hand, wanted someone who could turn the theoretical work of the institute into nuts-and-bolts technology.

When the three sat down to ponder their project, they came up with an impressive goal: exploring the vacuum, referred to by some early physicists as "the tranquil void." The institute trio knew that vacuums were not really empty and certainly never tranquil. In fact, most physicist casting their eyes toward the cosmos believe the vacuum is a hotbed of forces. Phantom particles flicker into existence and then disappear. "Empty" space itself seethes with what physicists call vacuum fluctuations: vast amounts of energy that suddenly burst forth, jiggling particles to and fro. One fluctuations is not very powerful, but cumulatively they can be intense. In fact, physicists JohnWheeler and Richard Feynman calculated that there is enough energy in the vacuum of a single light bulb to boil all the seas.

It was City College physicist Timothy Boyer of New York, however, whose work convinced Puthoff that the vacuum was a good place for the institute to begin. Most physicists, Boyer pointed out, tried to explain the somewhat random movements of atomic particles through the theories of quantum physics. Quantum physics states that even under precise conditions, atomic particles may assume any one of a variety of positions. To determine with greater certainty where a particle could be found, however, physicists developed "probability equations." The equations predicted the likelihood of any given particle landing in any given place.

Boyer held a different point of view. Perhaps, he suggested, the uncertain nature of the subatomic realm was due not to the nebulous mathematics of probability equations but rather to vacuum fluctuations. We could not pin down the location of subatomic particles, Boyer suggested, because vacuum fluctuations jiggled them around. Puthoff felt Boyer's notion could be used to explain other vexing problems as well. Writing in Physical Review D, Puthoff suggested that the zero point energy of the vacuum might prevent atoms from collapsing, allowing the world as we know it to be. "According to classical physics,"Puthoff says, "electrons should radiate their energy as they circle in their orbits. Eventually they should drop into the nucleus like a satellite falling back to Earth. Quantum mechanics never really explains why this does not happen."

Zero point energy does. According to Puthoff's theory, electrons do radiate their energy away as they circle in their orbits. But they also absorb enough energy from vacuum fluctuations to make up for the loss. Calculations presented in Physical Review appear to back him up. Says Puthoff, "It depends on the zero point energy sea." Puthoff's next Physical Review paper was even more daring: It attempted to rewrite the theory of gravity proposed by Einstein himself. "Einstein described gravity as a warping of space-time caused by the mass of objects within it." Puthoff says. To understand Einstein's version, imagine the fabric of space-time as a taut rubber diaphragm. Place any given weight in the diaphragm and it makes an indention. Roll a marble onto the diaphragm.

No matter how the marble is rolled, it ultimately winds up at the weight. This, according to Einstein, is how gravity works. Objects bend space-time just as the weight bends the rubber diaphragm, so two objects "roll together" with a force that depends on the objects' mass and distance. "This shows how gravity acts," Puthoff says, "but doesn't really explain the mechanism behind it." That's where zero point energy comes in. If two physical bodies are relatively close, he theorizes, the first shields the second from zero point energy coming from its direction; in a similar fashion, the second will shield the first. The objects will nonetheless continue to be pressured by zero point energy coming from all other directions. The two bodies thus move toward each other in what scientists have dubbed the Casimir effect, named after Hendrik B. G. Casimir, the Dutch physicist who first described the phenomenon. Gravity is the result, according to Puthoff.

It is the Casimir effect, Puthoff believes, that may help us extract zero point energy from the void. Puthoff gives an example: Bring two smooth metal plates extremely close together, he explains, and they seem to attract each other so strongly that they are virtually welded to each other. Move them still closer and they collide with a metaphorical boom, generating enormous heat. Use that heat energy, and the conversion of vacuum energy to usable energy has occurred.

This scheme, first proposed by veteran California physicist Robert Forward in Physical Review, has a problem: Once the plates collide, they can no longer be used to generate energy, becoming a sort of one-shot device."To recycle the generator," Puthoff explains, "one would have to return the plates to their original positions; that would require as much energy as the machine produced in the first place. As a result, not even break-even operation could be achieved." His solution: "an inexhaustible supply of such devices, each to be discarded after the Casimir collapse." Puthoff concedes this would not be possible with metal plates but suggests that engineers try designing zero point energy machines with a cold, charge plasma, or gas. "The Casimir effect would pinch the plasma together," Puthoff says, "and condensed, charged particles would result."

At least one such device, Puthoff says, may be in the works. Moscow physicist Aleksandr Chernetsky has built a plasma generator that reportedly takes 700 watts of electricity from a wall socket and gives back 3,500 watts, creating a little more than three horsepower out of nothing. The Soviet government was impressed enough to back his research with several hundred thousand dollars worth of equipment.

"I went to the Soviet Uni0n to look at Chernetsky's work," Puthoff says. "I couldn't tell in a couple of days whether there is some fallacy in his experimental design. But it is plausible that it might be extracting zero point energy and the Casimir effect is under development apparently based on zero point energy."

Whether or not Chernetsky's power system works, other equipment apparently based on zero point energy and the Casimir effect is under development. The inventor: Ken Shoulders, who hopes to create the next generation of circuits for laptop computers, telephones, and large-screen TVs.

Shoulders hopes to create these new appliances through a phenomena he has discovered and put to use. Called condense charged technology, or CCT, the phenomena occurs when electrons crowd together much as in Chernetsky's plasma or Puthoff's metal plates. "When electrons are packed densely enough, they no longer repel each other," says Shoulders. "Instead they form charge clusters that hold together even without a wire to carry them. That lets us build circuits from grooves in a sheet of ceramic or plastic. Condensed charges can move through these grooves one thousand times faster than electrons travel through a semiconductor chip." What is more, says Shoulders, it's fairly easy to generate condensed charges: just make a spark.

His first major trick, Shoulders hopes, will be replacing today's silicon computer chips. If anyone else made so unlikely a claim, few would listen. But the sixty-two-year-old Shoulders, formerly of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Stanford Research Institute, Possesses extraordinary credentials: In the early Sixties, he made the world's first vacuum microelectronic circuits and the very first prototypes of the equipment now used to manufacture silicon chips.

According to Shoulders, his new circuits will render silicon-based technology obsolete. "It looks like there is nothing in electronics that youcannot do a whole lot better with clustered charge," he says. For an amiable Texan, Shoulders is remarkably closemouthed about the product he is said to be developing. But he is open about the advantages of condensed charge. "Using beads of condensed charge, we have already made transistor-type switches with speeds of less than one trillionth of a second. That's ten thousand times faster than you can buy, and I think we're going to get a lot faster than that," Shoulders says. In fact, engineers working with conventional chips a couple of inches long are having trouble figuring out how to speed the passage of electrons from one side to the next. With condensed charge technology, however, electrons move so rapidly that a single circuit could be a foot across.

Long, compact circuits working at high speed would enable us to build machines with far less bulk than today's technology. For instance, Shoulders says, we could build "a hundred-horsepower motor no bigger than the shaft it takes to deliver the torque [power], or a flat-screen TV with all the electronics built right into the display. You could use the screen for anything from high-definition TV to computing. Simpler yet: an X-ray machine that fits inside a hypodermic needle. You could put it into the patient's body to irradiate a tumor, say, without exposing the other organs to X-rays.

We already have companies experimenting with these things." Perhaps most incredible, CCT may be available soon. Condensed charge devices are astonishingly easy to make, Shoulders says. "We can get rid of the complicated photographic techniques I had to invent to make microchips and use simple etching and stamping. This is really low-tech. Any Third World country can do it."

Though Shoulders works closely with Puthoff, he is reluctant to admit that CCT derives from zero point energy for sure. "There are at least four competing theories that might explain condensed charges," he says, "and though zero point energy is a likely candidate, I can't say which theory will turn out to be right."

Other scientists give Puthoff's work on zero point energy mixed reviews. Timothy Boyer, whose papers inspired Puthoff in the first place, for instance, disagrees with Puthoff's explanation of gravity. "As far as I am concerned, the idea is fuzzy and the calculations ambiguous," Boyer says. "To think in terms of the curvature of space-time is a much more useful, extensive idea."

Physicist Alfonso Rueda of California State University at Long Beach, on the other hand, is sympathetic to Puthoff. Rueda studied vacuum fluctuations, using them to explain both the enormous power of cosmic rays and the dense concentration of stars at certain intersections of the universe. Rueda feels Puthoff has presented some powerful evidence for his idea that zero point energy holds atoms together. And he is "impressed with Puthoff's treatment of gravity. I think he is on the right path."

New York University physicist Benjamin Bederson, editor of the respected Physical Review A, where most of Puthoff's work has been published, has an opinion as well. "Many articles that appear in Physical Review turn out to be wrong," Bederson says. "Like any journal, we rely on the judgement of our referees. Some expressed doubts about Puthoff's conclusions, but they all agreed that it was stimulating work and deserved a wider audience." As for Puthoff, he is confident indeed. A new series of experiments, he says, should deal with Boyer's criticisms and move his own research along.

Meanwhile he looks forward to the day we tap the power in the void, using it to energize our cities and propel starships beyond the solar system without an ounce of onboard fuel. "Only the future," Puthoff says, "can reveal the ultimate use to which humans will put the remaining fire of the gods, the quantum fluctuations of empty space."

[Vlad] ...and it is not like nothing has happened; the birth of the technology is difficult (especially when so many powerful interest stand to loose a lot - we may need a "C-section" for this "baby"!;-). Just check this earlier post and the listed scientific publications since 1991:

Orbital Stability and the Quantum Atomic Spectrum from Stochastic Electrodynamics
David Rodriguez, Cornell Univ. Library Physics Archive: arXiv:1201.6168 (2012).

Quantum Ground States as Equilibrium Particle - Vacuum Interaction States
H. E. Puthoff, Cornell Univ. Library Physics Archive: arXiv:1204.1952 (2012).

Assessment of proposed electromagnetic quantum vacuum energy extraction methods
G. Moddel, Cornell Univ. Library Physics Archive: arXiv:0910.5893 (2012).

Review of Experimental Concepts for Studying the Quantum Vacuum Fields
E. W. Davis, V. L. Teofilo, B. Haisch, H. E. Puthoff, L. J. Nickisch, A. Rueda and D. C. Cole, Space Technology and Applications International Forum (STAIF 2006), p. 1390 (2006).

Quantum Mechanical Ground State of Hydrogen Obtained from Classical Electrodynamics
Daniel C. Cole & Yi Zou, Physics Letters A, Vol. 317, No. 1-2, pp. 14-20 (13 October 2003), quant-ph/0307154 (2003).

Extracting energy and heat from the vacuum
D. C. Cole & H.E. Puthoff, Physical Review E, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 1562-1565 (1993).

This article comes from ZPEnergy.com

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